'Ali ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: علي بن أبي طالب, Persian: علی پسر ابو طالب) (born around 13 Rajab 23 Pre AH / 599 - died 21 Ramadan 40 AH / 661), was one of the first Muslims and also the family of the Prophet Muhammad. According to Sunni Islam, he is the last Caliph of the caliph. While Shiites argue that he is the Imam at a time selected by the first Caliph of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Interestingly though Sunnis do not recognize the concept of Imamate they agreed to call Ali as Imam, so Ali became the only Caliph as well as Imam. Ali was the cousin of Muhammad, and after marriage with Fatimah his son Muhammad
According to historians, Ali was born 10 years before the start of Muhammad's prophethood, circa 599 BC or 600 (estimated). Shiite Muslims believe that Ali was born inside the Kaaba. The age of the Prophet Muhammad Ali is still disputed to this day, some 25 years history of different calls, there were different 27 years, there were 30 years or even 32 years.
He called the original Haydar bin Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. Haydar which means lion is Abu Talib's family hopes to have a successor who could be brave and respected figure among the Quraish of Mecca.
Ali was born of a mother named Fatima bint Asad, where Asad is the son of Hashim, making Ali, a descendant of Hashim from the side of the father and mother. Birth of Ali bin Abi Talib many provide entertainment for the Prophet because he had no sons. Elderly and his family faqir Abu Talib gave an opportunity for the Prophet along with his wife, Khadijah Ali to nurture and make adoptive son. It is well to give back to Abu Talib who had been caring for the Prophet since his childhood to adulthood, so that childhood had been with Muhammad Ali.
In his biography of foreign (Western), Ali relationship to the Prophet Muhammad depicted as the Baptist (Prophet Yahya) to Jesus (Isa). In narrations Shiite and majority Sunni history, the relationship is described as Prophet Aaron to Moses.
When Prophet Muhammad received the revelations, long histories such as Ibn Ishaq explains Ali was the first man to believe the revelation or two people to believe after the Prophet's wife Khadijah own. At this point about 10-year-old Ali.
In his teens after the revelation down, Ali lot to learn from the Prophet Muhammad as a foster child, the opportunity is always close to the Prophet it would continue until he became the law of the Prophet. This is the evidence for some of the Sufis that there are certain lessons matter of spiritual (spirituality in English or Salafist prefer to call the term 'Ihsan') or which was then known as Sufism taught by the Prophet specifically to him but not to the Disciples -murid or other companions.
Because when the science of the Shariah or Islamic religious laws governing both worship and community all received the Prophet should be presented and taught to his people, while the spiritual problem can only be given to certain persons with the capacity of each.
Direct instruction of the Prophet to Ali in all aspects of the Islamic sciences either aspect Zahir (exterior) or sharia and the inner (interior) or Sufism galvanize Ali into a young man who is very intelligent, brave and wise.
When the Prophet emigrated, he replaced the Prophet slept in his bed so that the people of Quraish who wants to kill the prophet be deceived. Ali did not just grow up to be intelligent young man, but also brave in the battlefield. Together Dzulfikar, sword, Ali lot of merit to bring victory in many battlefields such as the Battle of Badr, Battle of the Trench, and Khaibar War.
He has followed all the battles along the Prophet except the battle of Tabuk, he is famous in toughness in horsemanship and bravery, he was one of those who were given the glad tidings of entering Heaven, when she was still alive, he was the knight's Muslims, commander of the Mu'minin, leaders who were given instructions Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib Al-Qurasy Al-Hasyimy, he has a kinship with the Prophet, as he saw the child's uncle and husband of the Prophet Muhammad's daughter Fatima ra.
The historians argue that he was a black leather sweet, thick beard, stocky man, a big man, handsome, and chewing is Abu Al-Hassan, or Abu Turob. Sahabahs this one has had a very bright image of heroism as proof of his courage in defending this religion. Among them, he stayed in bed when the Prophet Muhammad migrated events, he dedicated himself to a death in defense of the Prophet that the Quraish who wants to kill the prophet be deceived. After the move and stay in Medina, Ali married Prophet with his favorite daughter ie Fatimah.
The fight / war Followed
· Battle of Badr
Moments after getting married, break battle of Badr, the first war in the history of Islam. Here Ali really became a hero in addition to Hamza, the Prophet's uncle and Ubaydah ibn al-Harith ra who summons a duel. The number of Quraysh of Mecca who died at the hands of Ali is still in dispute, but all agree he was a football star in a very young age about 25 years.
Among the evidence kepahlwanannya is what became clear in Khandak war, when Amru bin wud attack with his horse, where it is one of the famous formidable horseman tribe of Quraish, he with iron masked jokingly asked the Muslims to a duel. He says:
"Where is heaven that you claim that if you die you must have entered it? Do not you give me a man to fight against me?"
Ali bin Abi Talib then out into the world. The person said:
"Return, O my son, and your uncles who are older than you, I do not like to spill the blood of a man like you".
Then Ali bin Abi Talib said:
"But for the sake of Allah, I do not at all feel hate to spill your blood."
Then the enemy was upset and down and then drew his sword as if sparks, then rushed to challenge Ali with emotion. Alipun then deal with a shield and sword menyabetkan Amru up stuck on the shield and wounding the head of Ali, then Ali slammed his sword so that the enemy fell kepundak until there came the noise (of the soldiers). Then after the Prophet heard the dawn prayers so he knew that Ali had killed his enemy, and Ali recited a poem:
He defended stones (idols) folly
And I'm defending God
Do not you think that God let his religion
So is His Prophet, O armies will fight
· Battle of the Trench
Battle of the Trench also be a real witness the courage of Ali bin Abi Talib when combating Amar bin Abdi wud. With one stroke of his sword named Dzulfikar, Amar bin Abdi wud be split into two parts.
· Khaibar War
And among the incision history good life is at the moment very difficult Khaibar fortress conquered by the forces of the Muslims, the Prophet said:
"I will definitely give this sword to a man where God will win this religion in his hand, he loves Allah and His Messenger".
So the Companions of the night was through them quizzically to whom the flag of Islam will be given? By the time morning comes the Companions came to the Prophet and all they want if the flag was given to himself. Then the Prophet asked:
"Where is Ali bin Abi Talib?", They replied: "O Messenger of Allah he was sore eyes".
He asked again:
"Let someone go tell him to come".
So beliaupun came before, then the Prophet spat in his eyes and eventually recovered so that seemingly never exposed to any diseases, then the Prophet give him battle flag, and Ali asked the Prophet:
"O Messenger of Allah if I'm going to fight them so that they converted to Islam as we have?"
So the Prophet SAW said:
"Go slowly so that you come to them on their home page, and then summon them to embrace Islam, and announce unto them what is obligatory upon them of the rights of Allah, by Allah, if one person gets guidance due to your efforts then it is more kind of red camels. "
By the time Ali was in enemy territory, then their king named Murhib out while playing his sword by humming a sya'ir:
Khaibar knew myself that I was Murhib
Guns drawn and experienced heroes
By the time the battle has raged
Then Ali said answer
I have been named by my mother's name Haidarah
Like a lion creepy forest berperwakan
I'll slash you at lightning speed with sword
Murhib and Ali each second duel with their swords, and the sword of Ali who mengahiri his life, so that Allah gives victory over the Muslims.
After the Prophet's Death
Up here almost all parties agree on a history of Ali bin Abi Talib, dissent began to appear when the Prophet Muhammad died. Shiites believe there will (based on the history of Ghadir) that Ali should be the Caliph when the Prophet died. But the Sunnis do not agree, so that when Ali and Fatimah still in grief Qurayshis agreed to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr.
According to the history of Al-Ya'qubi in his book Tarikh Volume II Mention of an event as follows. On the way back to Madinah after Hajj (Hijjatul-Wada '), the night of the Prophet Muhammad in the entourage arrived somewhere near Jifrah known denagan name of "Ghadir." It was the day of the 18th month Dzulhijah. He came out of his tent later berkhutbah in front of the congregation while holding the hand of Imam Ali Bin Abi Tholib r.a. In his sermon, among others, he said: "Whoever I perceive this leader, Ali is pemimpinnya.Ya God, lead those who recognize his leadership and the enemy of the enemy".
The appointment of Abu Bakr as the Caliph of course is not approved Ahlul Baitdan followers of Muhammad's family. Some history differ ent time-bai'at late Ali bin Abi Talib Abu Bakr as the Caliph of the Prophet replacement. There were reported after the Prophet is buried, there were a few days afterwards, it was found that a history of Ali mem-allegiance after Fatimah Abu Bakar died, six months after the death of the Prophet in order to prevent a split in the community.
Some claimed that Ali is not worthy to bear the post of Caliph because of its youth, there is also stated that the Caliphate and Prophethood should not be in the hands of Bani Hashim.
as Khalifah
The murder of Caliph Uthman bin Affan resulted crunch across the Muslim world that the time was already stretched to Persia and North Africa. The rebels, who was master of Medina has no other choice but Ali bin Abi Talib as the caliph, Ali then tried to refuse, but Zubayr ibn al-Awam, and Talhah bin Ubaidullah forcing him, so finally Ali accept their allegiance. Ali made the sole Caliph inducted en masse, because the early caliphs been through different ways.
As the 4th Caliph who ruled for about 5 years. Reign inherit the mess that occurs when the government of the previous Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan For the first time a civil war between Muslims occurred when the reign, the Battle of Basra. Ali led troops against 20,000 30,000 led forces Zubayr ibn al-Awam, Talhah bin Ubaidullah and mu'minin Umm Aisha bint Abu Bakr widow Prophet War was won by the party of Ali.
The murder of Caliph Uthman bin Affan who according to various circles of the time it is less able to be completed because of the accusations that are already widespread and it has been hinted at (happens) by Prophet Muhammad when he was alive, and compounded by the stirring up of dissidents that existed since the time of Uthman bin Affan, causing divisions among Muslims that led to the war. Not only finished in situ, a prolonged conflict going until the end of his reign. Battle of Siffin debilitating kekhalifannya also started from the problem.
Ali bin Abi Talib, someone who has the skills in the field of military and war strategy, experience difficulties in the state administration for the unbelievable chaos left by the previous administration. He died at the age of 63 years for murder by Abdrrahman bin Muljam, someone who comes from the group Khawarij (dissidents) when mengimami morning prayers in the mosque of Kufa, on the 19th of Ramadan, and Ali breathed his last on 21 Ramadan 40 AH. Ali was buried secretly in Najaf, there are even some reports stating that he was buried elsewhere.
Mutiara Hadith Imam Ali
· "Do not seek a life just to eat. However, you can look for to eat in order to live. "
· "Something most equitable benefit is the death of the wicked."
· "Thou shalt not denounce Satan openly, while you are his friend in silence."
· "Sense a writer lies in his pen."
· "True Friend are parts of the soul, while the brothers are parts of the body."
· "Do not say something that you yourself do not like when other people say to you."
· "Brash is the cause of all evils."
· "Dig science since childhood, surely you will be lucky when great."
· "Better you choose to lose (succumb) you're being fair, rather than win in a state you choose you as wrongdoers."
From the biography of Ali bin Abi Thaib already presented above, we can take an example from the example of a caliph and Muslim leaders such as:
1. Simplicity Ali bin Abi Talib, demonstrated by the attitude and actions of everyday.
2. Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, a leader who megambil risk and do my best to defend his belief for belief was true.
3. Being a leader is honest, trustworthy and responsible, because basically be a leader not a gift but a trust that must be executed properly.
4. Being a leader must be fair, do not utilize the position for personal gain.
5. Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib is a humble leader and a populist, he is not shy of hard bread berlauk Dining with vinegar and oil.
And there are many good example of Ali bin Abi Talib we can we imitate the example and through the day. All because of Allah SWT.
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