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Arts and Culture of Jakarta (Betawi)

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Arts and Culture of Jakarta (Betawi)

Indonesia is a country with many islands in kelilingin by ocean and each region has its arts and culture are different also. Indonesia's capital city is Jakarta. The average population of Jakarta is the people who besaral from Jakarta or ethnic Betawi. But now many people outside Jakarta who lived in Jakarta as a metropolitan city and Jakata colony for those who want to find a job bahnkan want to change the fate of overseas.
Although known as a metropolitan city, Jakarta has a lot of art and culture in it, especially those originally from the city of Jakarta or ethnic Betawi. Jakarta is the capital of the State of Indonesia but Jakarta would never be separated from the existing arts and culture and involving in it. I will try to make the article and explain some of the arts and culture in Jakarta or ethnic Betawi.

Traditional clothing
Custom clothing Jakarta is divided into traditional clothing for women. For men usually use shirt, pants batik, sarong fabric adhesive or who have been placed in the neck and cap are used, while women use brackets short sleeve shirt or kebaya, using a batik sarong and wear the veil. For cloth time of marriage haberdashery made Makeover Hajj way. Clothes groom include robes and headgear, while the women made Chinese lady makeup style blouse with a skirt or using so-called Kun dark colored model with a mermaid. Colors are often used black or red heart. As a complement to the head used with a rocking flower motif phoenix with a fake bun, equipped with a veil on her face

Betawi or Jakarta has a dance arts in the area, including:
Mask dance. This dance is enough long been known as the origin of Betawi traditional dance. The art of dance is usually in the title when there are weddings, circumcision ceremony and pay vows. In Mask Betawi, the dancers wear masks and storytelling through art movement. Now the mask dance has a lot dikreasikan Betawi, Betawi dance that was more diverse.

Dance Cokek Batavia. Dance corp this one brought by the financiers or the landlord rich Peranakan Chinese rayaTarian cokek is accompanied by music Gambang Kromong. Clothing Cokek Betawi dance is somewhat similar to the dances in China. Typically this is the dance of gyrations that geal-Geol.

There is a typical music beberpaka Jakarta include:
Gambang Kromong. Art music is a mix of local music with Chinese art. It can be seen from the musical instruments used, such as the stringed instrument of China named kongahyan, Tehyan and Sukong. While Betawi musical instruments, among others; xylophone, kromong, kemor, manacle, kempul drum and gong. Art Gambang Kromong developed in the 18th century, particularly in the area of Tangerang Area

Tanjidor.Tanjidor is a Betawi art that shaped the orchestra. Art has been started since the 19th century. Musical instruments used are usually composed of a merger of musical instruments were in an inflatable with, strings and percussion instruments. This art is usually used to escort the bride or the parade area.

Martial art
Betawi or Jakarta has its own types of martial arts called Pencak Silat. Martial arts is played by two people who play by using the typical dress betawai ie using koko, typical betawi belt and using a cap. Usually this martial dgunakan as fixtures at weddings or other performances.

Here are other arts that exist in Betawi or Jakarta:
Ondel-Ondel.Ondel-ondel Betawi art form is a doll whose height reaches approximately ± 2.5 m with a diameter of ± 80 cm, dolls made of woven bamboo to be borne from within by people who took him. The doll is used and played by people who took him. On the face in the form of a mask or with the head by the hair made from palm fiber. Face ondel-ondel men usually painted in red, while the woman painted with white color

Lenong.Lenong is a musical drama performance with Alumna gambng kromong and added an element of farce to farce-farce without the plot

Above are some of the arts and culture in Jakarta or Batavia. There are still a lot of arts and culture in Jakarta. All that can be searched by means of browsing. Indonesia is rich in art and culture in every region, but with different arts and culture of each area of his own being, Indonesia is diverse and does not make all of it becomes a problem or conflict, make Indonesia the one and respect the differences. And as a student is fitting for us to maintain and preserve the culture of Betawi culture in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, lest this culture lost eaten by age because of advances in technology and foreign culture that has entered into Indonesia.

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