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Example Use Code IT in the Use of Information Technology

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Example Use Code IT in the Use of Information Technology

In the globalization era is definitely a lot of people who know and use the existing technological development today. One of the growing use of information technology today is the use of social media by using the Internet increasingly rampant among our society. For example, the use of social media who use the internet has poisoned all walks of life, not only among the gods alone, but among teenagers, housewives and even small children were already knows social media that exists today, but anyway yeah the use of information technology such as social media in children small must remain under the supervision of parents.

In the use of information technology is certainly present Code of Conduct that must be considered. What is the Code of Conduct that?
Okay, the code of conduct could be interpreted as an act of what is right or wrong, what actions should be done and what actions should be avoided.

And here I'll give you some Examples in Use Code of Conduct in the Use of Information Technology through the Internet:

Avoiding and does not publish information that is directly related to the problem of pornography and Nudism in all its forms.
Avoiding and does not publish information that has a tendency to offend direct and negative issues of ethnicity, religion and race (SARA), including efforts humiliation, harassment, discrediting, torture and all forms of violations of the rights of individuals, groups or institutions or other institutions.
Avoiding and does not publish information that contains instructions to perform an unlawful act (illegal) positive in Indonesia and international conditions generally.
Not displaying all forms of exploitation of children and minors.
Do not use, publish and or exchange of material and information that have a correlation to the activities of pirating, hacking and cracking.
When using scripts, programs, text, pictures or photos, animations, sounds, or forms of matter and other information that is not the work itself must include the identity of the source and copyright owners when there and willing to do the revocation if there are appealed and was responsible for all the consequences that might arise.
Not attempted or carried out attacks against the product technical, resource (resource) and equipment owned by other parties.
Respecting ethics and all sorts of regulations and the general Internet community fully responsible for the content of the cargo and its website.
For offenses committed by managers, members can directly strike.
From the description above can be concluded that the use of the Internet in the Information Technology must be accompanied by a code of ethics that is good and true to avoid things that are not desirable, and for parents required to pay attention and keep an eye on their children, especially children under age use information technology, especially the internet.

Use Internet By Wisdom To Not Stuck!

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