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Arts and Culture of Papua

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Arts and Culture of Papua

Indonesia is an archipelagic nation wide which consists of many islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke and many regions of each island, with a population of the 4th largest in the world that has a diversity of cultures that differ from each other Because of the many islands in Indonesia cause arts and culture of each island and the area is different from one another. All that was not a difference that would eventually become a conflict among fellow Indonesian citizens. As our state motto is' unity in diversity, which means different but still one nevertheless.
Papua is a province located in the most eastern Indonesia. This province is a province that is still thick and rich in arts and culture in the province, the province has various tribes such as the mendiamin Asmat province, with a society that upholds the arts and culture in their areas. Arts and culture in this area is very interesting, and unique. As a citizen of Indonesia, we should be proud of the arts and culture of diverse contained in the State of Indonesia, our beloved country. And this time I will try to make arikel about some art and culture in Papua.

Arts and Culture Papua:
            Papua has a lot of arts and culture in it, art and culture is unique and interesting. Here are some of the arts and culture in Papua:
There are hundreds of regional languages ​​that developed in ethnic groups in Papua. Various Various languages ​​makes it difficult to communicate between ethnic groups with other ethnic groups. Therefore, the Indonesian official use by communities in Papua and even up to the interior. But there are people who do not understand Indonesian because of the lack of education in Papua

Traditional clothing
Papua custom clothing for men and women are similar. Wore traditional clothing ornaments such as headdresses be in the form of birds of paradise, bracelets, necklaces, and belts of beads and fringe at the ankle. But there are also tribal communities of Papua are only used in the sheath wrapped her body

Custom home
Papua custom home has a name Honai house, where materials are primarily used to make the house Honai is of wood with and conical roof made of straw or reeds. Honai traditional house has a small door and no windows. Generally Honai house consists of two floors that consists of the first floor to the bed while the second floor is used as a place to relax, eat, and to do handicrafts.

Tradisional dance
Papua has a variety of dances that are unique and interesting, such as dance congratulations dating which is a typical dance of Papua describe the excitement in the hearts of the people menyabut distinguished guests who come to their territory. This dance has an interesting movement, dynamic and dilakuakan with spirit

Traditional weapon
Papua has a traditional weapon used to fight the enemy. As Papua dagger made of leg bones cassowary and bird's feathers that adorn the outskirts of the dagger. But there are other weapons are usually used bows and arrows and spears were used for hunting

Typical food
The food is typical of Papua namely sago made pulp, known by the name of papeda. Papuans usually eat together papeda yellow sauce, made from tuna or fish in season mubara and turmeric and lime.

Musical instruments
Papua has a lot of traditional musical instruments one of which is the drums. Tifa is one of the percussion instruments that looks almost like a drum. Tifa musical instrument made of wood which, in the central part of the timber is made large holes are cleaned. Then the tip of one of the timber is covered with reindeer skins using dried which serves to Tifa musical instrument can produce a beautiful sound and nice

Papuans are usually made handicrafts made from materials available in nature. As craft bag named Nokens. This craft is made from the bark in the wicker, and colors are primarily used natural dyes derived from plant roots and fruits. Noken is usually used and under with the hooking noken overhead.

Belief system
Most of the Papuan people still have confidence in totemism, as a form of trust which looked at human origins come from the gods of the ancestors, and there are still tribes were closed or did not want to relate to the outside world. However, some of the Papuan people own and religion official from Indonesia

Already described some of the arts and culture in Indonesia and many more arts and culture in the area. Papua is rich and strong culture will have a wide variety of arts and culture all it can search easily through Internet technology, more and more advanced. The differences that exist between the various regions in Indonesia to make Indonesia as a country that is rich in culture. And as the color of good country we should be proud of the wealth owned by Indonesia. Our duty as the future generation that is learning to know art and culture in this country. And to keep and preserve the arts and culture in this country that is not extinct and disappear because they are eaten by age or because of claims by other States. Love art and culture in Indonesia for the next generation.

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February 13, 2018 at 11:50 AM

assalamu alaikum wr wb..
bismillahirrahamaninrahim... senang sekali saya bisa menulis
dan berbagi kepada teman2 melalui tempat ini,
sebelumnya dulu saya adalah seorang pengusaha dibidang property rumah tangga
dan mencapai kesuksesan yang luar biasa, mobil rumah dan fasilitas lain sudah saya miliki,
namun namanya cobaan saya sangat percaya kepada semua orang,
hingga suaatu saat saya ditipu dengan teman saya sendiri dan membawa semua yang saya punya,
akhirnya saya menanggung hutang ke pelanggan-pelanggan saya totalnya 470 juta dan di bank totalnya 600 juta ,
saya sudah stress dan hampir bunuh diri anak saya 3 orang masih sekolah di smp / sma dan juga anak sememtarah kuliah,tapi suami saya pergi entah kemana dan meninggalkan saya dan anaka-naknya ditengah tagihan hutang yang menumpuk,
demi makan sehari hari saya terpaksa jual nasi bungkus keliling dan kue,
ditengah himpitan ekonomi seperti ini saya bertemu dengan seorang teman
dan bercerita kepadanya, alhamdulilah beliau memberikan saran kepada saya.
dulu katanya dia juga seperti saya setelah bergabung dengan KH. Ahmad Danan hidupnya kembali sukses,
awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya tapi selama satu minggu saya berpikir
dan melihat langsung hasilnya, `
saya akhirnya bergabung dan mengunjung websiteNya atau KLIK DISINI semua petunjuk K.H. Ahmad Danan saya ikuti dan hanya 1 hari astagfirullahallazim,
alhamdulilah demi allah dan anak saya,
akhirnya 5m yang saya minta benar benar ada di tangan saya,
semua utang saya lunas dan sisanya buat modal usaha,
kini saya kembali sukses terimaksih telpon Kh. Ahmad Danan No.0822"9128"6336 saya tidak akan melupakan jasa aki.

jika teman teman berminat, yakin dan percaya insya allah,
saya sudah buktikan demi allah silahkan KLIK DISINI

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