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Ikhlas To Be True

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Ikhlas To Be True 

The night was a night that mebuat Dania heart sad and happy, Dania happy because in the end he could meet her lover named Rudi, Rudi night was also invited Dania to meet with his friends. During the meeting Dania, Rudi and other friends are happy storytelling and joking together and there was no sadness terbesit of their faces visible jokes and laughter.
However, after the end of the meeting that night, Rudi Dania lover invited her to have a serious talk. Dania confused what will be discussed by her lover.

"Dania .... hmm already watch a short film that yesterday?" Asked Rudi
"Yes already, I memorized kok episode 1 to episode 3 hehhe .." said Dania with spirit
"Gini ......" said Rudi
Dania just stared thoughtfully while occasionally asking "Iyaaa why?"
"Not now deh ...." said Rudi
"Loh why? now wrote. Why is it? "Asked a curious Dania
"Tomorrow aja gak element of support now ..." said Rudi
"Iiih curious, what's the matter? You want to leave it? "Asked behind Dania
"Go where ? yes enggalah "said Rudi
"Then ? Why? "the more curious Dania
"Hmmm ........" quite a long wait for Rudi answered, and Dania only saw Rudi faces are hesitant to tell a story.
Dania retaliated by giving expression of fear and worry.

"Okee ... Look, it seems we must maintain a distance deh" said Rudi
"Meaning?" Asked Dania shocked
"Yes we keep the distance, I want to watch you, I want you ngehormatin" responsible behind Rudi
"What the hell you tuh, ngejauh you want from me? The reason you made ninggalin me? "asked Dania while melihatkan eyes were glazed
"Not so Nia. After I watched the short film I should be more aware of guarding you, I should be able to keep a distance with you in the sense that I respect yourself and can take you to a good path. Not by courting handrails, street alone and not the Dania supposed "said Rudi explanation
"During this time I'm not a good woman you think?" Asked behind Dania with tears in his eyes
"Aperture Dania not, you're the woman I select, I want you to keep on with me, I'm sure with you, but I want to continue ngejaga tetep you fully Dania" said Rudi
"Ngejaga? gmn tuh hell do you mean? so far you emang not ngejaga me? "asked Dania behind
"Yeah I ngejaga you, I do not want anyone to get hurt than you. But I mean this time I want you nejaga well without degrading yourself. For example we want to go our own way can the continued pact wrote directly in place, do not let people you looked ugly, too. "Obviously Rudi
"You mean you do not we go if we're not together? directly meet? continue to ride motorcycles that split-split? "he asked in a tone rather high Dania stifling sobs
"Yes ... for the sake of goodness you too" said Rudi limp
"Suppose we want to come keacara friend me or your friend, we must dateng with different vehicles that? Ethical really what it will say. Just the same so if you've not anggep me, and probably one of the ways you create ngejauhin me ... "said Dania with sobs that is irreversible .....
"Please do not thinkers weird Dania, I'm not going to ninggalin you, I also want cepet-cepet our relationship could halal Dania. If you do not I anggep for what I kenalin you to my parents? why would I invite you to the brothers of me? "said Rudi with tears in her eyes

......... Silent no words that come out of the mouth of Dania only sobs that sounded so quaint .....

"Dania all for your kindness and I, I again tried to work hard on our Dania later ..." said Rudi
Silent no response whatsoever from the mouth Dania, he terliat silent and think of something ......
"Dania why the silence?" Asked Rudi again
"I'm thinking ..." said Dania bit bitchy full sob
Dania rather long silence, in Dania heart pain, feeling confused .....
"Why did you change the heck Rud, usually when I cry you always wipe the tears I, usually you nenangin me, but now wiped my tears just do not" said Dania hearts .....

Long after the debate that increasingly many questions raised Dania also more swift tears dripped from Dania eye, the more complicated also talks going until late that night. The talk was really made sad Dania, Dania feel what was wrong of him.

Rudi was seen not bear to see Dania crying continuously.
Sangking sad and emotionally Dania taking out the words
"If you really want to keep the distance with me, I want ngehormatin okay. But do not ever hubungin me if ak important, not have phone-call me, not have to play home and I do not ..... "
"Dania Dania Dania .... not mean I Dania. Kok keliatannya even yaa wants you away from me? "Rudi selak
"You why even reverse the facts? if I'm away from what you made me cry-cry gini rich? "asked behind Dania
"Dania not mean I ninggalin or ngejauhin you, I want to keep the distance Dania, for you by your kindness. We both learned so better Dania ...... I will keep trying for us on our behalf Dania .. "said Rudi
"Then we will rarely call, rarely love the news, rarely met, I can not call you in the morning, I have more words of affection, not ...."
"Unfortunately it is not only spoken, but dibuktikkan, and I will buktiin it all ..." again Rudi menyelak with a smile ..

Dania still can not memjawab anything, he just silence seemed confused and did not know what she had to say, only tears were still rolling down her cheeks .....

While Rudi looked at the clock that was already showing Puluk 11:00 pm ....
"I came home yaaa, it's late. Not bad you do not come home at this hour, Inshaa God I am here again ... "said Rudi
"Yes .." said Dania briefly
"I'm going home tablets, then if there is anything in the way you nyesel loh .." Rudi said as he led a little joke ...
"What the hell is really original way really ..." said Dania increasingly annoyed
"Yaa do not be sad anymore, I'll get home I kabarin again for sure ..." said Rudi assured
"Whatever .." said Dania short again
"How come you're so cold gini to me ..." asked Rudi sad
"Engga, already I was wrong sorry, there return cautiously yes, reportedly awaited ..." said Dania
"Okay, I said goodbye to you before ya mama ....." Rudi and went into the house to say goodbye
"I came home Yaudah yaa, Assalamu'alaikum ...." Rudi said farewell

Yaaa when Rudi return Dania still could not hold back her tears and Dania kept thinking why did this all to be like this, Dania kept thinking as she continued to cry. Until a few dozen minutes later Mobile Dania sounds, it turns out a message from Rudi who said that he had reached home and Dania wanted to sleep.
However Dania still awake, accompanied by tears that kept flowing.
"Lord, I know this is the best, I realized it was good for me and him. But somehow I was sad and can not accept this, I can not be like this if, one year more we are together but why be like this in the end.
Help me to mengikhlaskan everything, help me to keep thinking positively, please do not let this heart continues to dirty, do not let this selfish sense continues ingrained ....... "says Dania hearts

Not tasted it turned 2:00 o'clock in the morning, Dania trying to plug in the earphone to his ear and blame songs from his mobile phone. Dania participate consecutive course of time sleeping soundly with the remaining prints of tears rolling down her cheeks and her pillow while accompanied by music that is still abuse from his cell phone.

In prayer Dania hope
"God take care of him for me, of God not separate us
Let me touch it, hold it and hold her, once
If this is indeed the best, help me for this sincer all
I know the Lord, if not, I just like women are not good "

Ikhlas To Be True 
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