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Innovation Comprehensive Treatment for Tumor Biology Immunization Methods

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Assallamualaikum Warohmattullohi Wabarokattuh....

With the development of the era that increasingly advanced, the more new innovations emerging from various fields. Not infrequently these new innovations bring many benefits for the people who use the latest innovations.
This time I will try to show a new innovation that may be a lot of people know, and innovation is an innovation that comes from the field of health, namely on Immunization Methods Biology - Innovation Comprehensive Treatment for Tumor. Mengeai and the following explanation:
Cancer and tumors often a scourge that can haunt anyone regardless of age. Although there are a number of patients who otherwise can survive when exposed to this disease, tumor and cancer is still fairly difficult to address until now. The reason, the tumor cells or cancer cells can grow rapidly and spread in the body's cells in the vicinity.

Therefore, now being sought measures to curb dam cancer tumors with anti-cancer technology. This step is considered to help restore 30 percent of cancer patients. Meanwhile, to improve long-term survival of cancer patients and reduce the risk of tumor recurrence, is in the hands of cancer patients and their families. According to experts of RS modern cell immunity kankler Guangzhou, biological therapy has spesifisitass anti-tumor sufficiently strong, low toxicity, and other advantages
Immunization biology is a new method is a method of treatment is effective in treating the tumor, and has been recognized as a sequence of four major methods for comprehensive treatment of tumors, and is the most effective way after the three most common methods, such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. In order to make more people understand about this miracle, innovation of new drugs on April 17 afternoon, in the meeting room floor 9 Modern Hospital Guangzhou organized seminar "Immunotherapy Anti-Tumor" with speakers Zhang Dechun, responsible for the biology research center Modern Hospital Guangzhou, many doctors and nurses who come in droves to participate and discuss about the "miracle" treatment immunization biology.

Dechun Zhang has 10 years working in the field of immunization biological treatment, most people are still unfamiliar to this treatment, but for Zhang Dechun, this treatment is already very familiar. According to Zhang Dechun, treatment with immunization biology is the use of biological technology and biological agents, by taking immune cells of patients after bred, put back into the patient's body, can stimulate and strengthen the immune function itself, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment. Nowadays there are several types of cells, namely CIK, DC-CIK, ACTL, NK. He also revealed that the DC and CIK are two important parts of immunotherapy, the merger of these two cells can ensure the effectiveness and the harmony of the immune system, can reduce tumor cells remaining in the body, to effectively improve the quality of life of patients and prolong cancer patients ,
After listening to a detailed explanation of Zhang Dechun, during the question and answer session, the medical personnel all participated actively asking questions, hoping to truly understand about the "immunization biology" more thoroughly. After the seminar ended, many medical workers, which revealed that today really is a lesson "literacy", and now they have a new understanding of "Immunization Biology". In addition, many doctors said that for the future they will pay more attention to information related to "Immunization of Biology", see whether it can be applied to respective specialist fields, to provide more of the latest treatment methods for patients.
As we know, Zhang Dechun master treatment technique immunization biology, and has participated in the "Forum" CSCO-South 'treatment of tumors by immunization biological and therapeutic molecules targeted to-5 ", along with 40 experts tumor famous at home and abroad each other brainstorm info, info about the treatment of tumors by immunization biology and molecular targeted therapy, as well as new technologies tumor treatment and comprehensive treatment of tumors, and others, and in the end he has a deeper understanding of the biology immunization. He said that, in the future he will continue to investigate more deeply, and together with researchers around the world, will research and develop new technologies treatment of tumors, and create happiness for patients.

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