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Difination of Organizations
The organization is formally united in a partnership to achieve its intended purpose or a common goal.

There is some understanding of the organization according to the experts, namely:
Stoner says that the organization is a pattern of relationships through which people under the direction of superiors pursue common goals.
James D. Mooney argued that any form of union organization is a human being to achieve a common goal.
Chester I bernard argue that the organization is a system of cooperation activities undertaken by two or lebih.Stephen P. Robbinss stated that the Organization is the entity (entity) which coordinated social conscious, with a relatively identifiable boundary, which worked on relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or group of destinations.

The characteristics of the organization
The characteristics of the organization:
· The presence of components between superiors and subordinates
• Have goals and objectives
· Has attachment format and rules that must be obeyed
· The cooperation of a group of people
· A coordination tasks and authority

Elements of Organization
· Man
Man (people), in the life of the organization or ketatalembagaan often referred to as employee or personnel. Employee or personnel consists of all members or citizen organizations, which by function and level consists of the elements of leadership (administrator) as an element of the highest leader in the organization, the manager who led a unit of work in accordance with their respective functions and workers (nonmanagement / workers). All that together constitute human strength (man power) organization
· Cooperation
Cooperation is an act of mutual assistance would be an act performed together to achieve common goals. Therefore, all members or all citizens according to levels-the levels are divided into administrators, managers, and employees (workers), together constitute human strength (man power) organization.
· Common goals
Interest is the direction or goals are achieved. Objectives describe what will be achieved or expected. The purpose is the end point of what should be done. Interest also describe what must be achieved through a procedure, program, pattern (network).
· Equipment (Equipment)
The fourth element is the equipment or equipment that consists of all the means, in the form of materials, machines, money, and other capital goods (land, building / building / office).
· Environment (Environment)
Environmental factors, for example the social, cultural, economic, and technological. wisdom (policy), strategies, budgets (budgeting), and regulations (regulation) has been determined. And also some specific purpose

Organizational theory
Organization theory is a theory that study the performance within an organization. One study of the theory of organization, of which discusses how an organization function and actualize the vision and mission of the organization. In addition, learn how an organization influences and is influenced by the people in the organization and the work environment.
According to Lubis dah Husein (1987) that the organization theory is a set of science membecarakan mechanism of cooperation of two or more systematically to achieve a predetermined goal. Organization theory is a theory to study cooperation in each individual.
In the discussion on organization theory, include problems theories organization that ever existed and is valid along with the history and development until now. That includes the classical organization theory, organizational theory neoclassical and modern organization theory.
Classical Organization Theory
Classical theory (classical theory) is sometimes referred to as the traditional theory, which contains the concepts of the organization starting from year one thousand eight hundred (19th century) that defines the organization as a structure of relationships, powers, objectives, roles, activities, communication and other factors that occur when people work together.
In this theory, the organization is generally described by the classical theorists as highly centralized and specialized duties, as well as provide guidance mechanistic rigid structural contains no creativity. This theory is also developed in three streams are built on the basis of the assumptions are the same and have the same effect, namely:Bureaucratic theory: proposed by Max Weber in his book "The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism.
Administration theory: developed on the basis of donations Henry Fayol and Lyndall Urwick of Europe as well as Mooney and Reiley of America.
Scientific Management: developed starting in 1900 by Frederick Winslow Taylor.
Neoclassical Organization Theory
Neoclassical theory is simply known as the theory / flow of human relationships (The human relations movement). Neoclassical theory was developed on the basis of classical theory. The fundamental assumption of this theory is stressing the importance of psychological and social aspects of the employees as individuals and as part of its working groups, on the basis of this assumption, the neoclassical theory defines "organization" as a group of people with common goals. The development of neoclassical theory begins with the inspiration of the experiments conducted in Howthorne and from the writings of Hugo Munsterberg. In terms of the division of labor, neklasik theory has mengemukaan need the following things:
Partiipasi, which involve everyone in the decision making process
Expansion work (job enlargement) as a reversal of the pattern of specialization
Management of bottom-up which will give an opportunity to the youth to participate in decision-making top management
Modern Organization Theory
Modern theory is marked by the end of the contingency movement pioneered by Herbert Simon, who stated that the theory of the organization needs to exceed the principles shallow and too simplified for an assessment of the conditions under which can be applied the principle of competing. Then Katz and Robert Kahn in his book "The social psychology of organization" introducing an organizational perspective as an open system. The book describes the advantages of open systems perspective to examine the important relationship of an organization with its environment, and the need for organizations to adapt to the changing environment if the organization wants to survive. Modern theories which sometimes - sometimes referred to as an analysis system in the organization is the third major stream in the organization and management theory. Modern theories see that all elements of the organization as a whole that interdependence, in which argued that the organization is not a closed system that is associated with a stable environment, but the organization is an open system.

I am very grateful to blogs that reference I take because through these blogs I can do as well as find an organization neighbor both understanding and definition of the organization itself that the organization is a partnership committed to achieve a goal. In addition, many experts argued the meaning or definition of the organization itself. Then I was able to know what are the characteristics of an organization such as: the boss and subordinate component, and an organization must have a purpose and objectives to be addressed and more. Then, an organization must have several elements, namely: Man (men), cooperation, shared goals, the equipment to be used in the organization, as well as the environment of an organization must be consistent with and further the activities of the organization. Then find out about the organization theory is the theory that studies the performance of an organization. And there are some developmental organization theory is classical organization theory, organizational theory neoclassical and modern organization theory. Thus the conclusion about the organization that I took from some references blogs 


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