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Posts 4 Introduction to Telematics - the Java Community Process

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Posts 4 Introduction to Telematics - the Java Community Process 
Java Community Process (Java Community Process / JCP) was established in 1998, is a formal mechanism that allows interested parties to develop technical specifications for Java technology standards. Anyone can become a member of the JCP by completing the form available on the website of the JCP. JCP membership to organizations and commercial entities requires an annual fee but free to individuals.
JCP involves the use of Java Specification Request (Java Specification Request / JSRs), ie the formal documents that describe proposed specifications and technologies to add to the Java platform. Formal public reviews of JSRs will appear before the JSR becomes final and the JCP Executive Committee vote on it. A final JSR provides a reference implementation which is a free implementation of the technology in source code form and a Technology Compatibility Kit to verify the API specification. A JCP JSR describe itself. As of 2009, JSR 215 describes the current version (2.7) of the JCP.

At this time the growing Java technology, Sun Microsystems introduced Java version 1.2 or better known as Java 2 consisting of JDK and JRE version 1.2.
In Java 2, the java is divided into three categories:
· Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE), this category is used to run and develop Java applications on a level PC (Personal Computer)
· Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), this category is used to run and develop Java applications in the environments entriprise with added functionality-functionality of java sort of EJB (Enterprise Java Bean), Java CORBA, Servlet and JSP and Java XML (Extensible Markup Language )
· Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), this category is used to run and develop Java applications on devices handled or some sort of mobile devices, Palm, PDA, and Pocket PC. J2ME is designed to be able to run Java programs on a sort of mobile devices and PDAs, which have different characteristics with a regular computer, for example, the small amount of memory in cell phones and PDAs. J2ME consists of the following components of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java API (Application Programming Interface) as well as other tools for Java application development some sort of emulator and emulator Java Phone Motorola. In J2ME is divided into two parts known as configuration and profile.
Virtual Machine
Virtual machine (VM) is an environment, typically a program or operating system, which does not physically exist but run in another environment. In this context, VM called "guest" environment while running so-called "host". The basic idea of the virtual machine is mengabtraksi hardware of a computer (CPU, memory, disk, etc.) to multiple execution environments, thus creating the illusion that each environment running computer [separate] sendiri.VM arise because of the desire to run many systems komputer.Teknologi operation on a virtual machine has many uses such as enabling hardware consolidation, facilitate recovery system, and run the software earlier.

One important application of VM technology is cross-platform integration. Some of the more important application is:
· Consolidation of servers.
If several servers run applications that only takes up very little resources, VM can be used to incorporate the applications that run on only one server, even if the application requires that the operating system is different.
· Automation and consolidation of development and testing environment.
Each VM can act as different environments, this allows developers so it does not need to provide the physical environment.
· Run the software earlier.
The operating system and software can be run on previous newer systems.
· Facilitate recovery system.
Virtualization solutions can be used for system recovery plan that requires portability and flexibility across platforms.
· Demonstration software.
With VM technology, clean operating system and its configuration can be provided quickly.
Advantages of Virtual Machine (VM)
VM technology has several advantages, among others:
· It security. VM has a complete protection in a variety of system resources, namely by abolishing the division of resources directly, so there is no problem of protection in the VM. VM system is a perfect vehicle for research and development of the operating system. With VM, when there is a change in one part of the machine, it is guaranteed not to change other components.
· Allows to define a network of Virtual Machine (VM). Each piece of information sent through the network of virtual communication. Again, the network modeled after physical communication network is implemented in software.
Disadvantages Virtual Machine (VM)
Some of the main difficulties of the concept of VM, which are:
· Storage System.
As an example of the difficulty in the storage system is as follows: Suppose we have a machine that has three disk drives but want to support 7 VM. This situation is clearly not possible for us to be able to allocate each disk drive for each VM, as the software for the virtual machine itself will require substantial disk space to provide virtual memory and spooling. The solution is to provide a virtual disk, known also by minidisk, where power storage size is identical to the actual size. Thus, the VM approach also provides an interface identical to the underlying hardware.
· Implementation difficult. Although the concept of VM is quite good, but difficult to implement VM.

An application programming interface (API) is the interface that a software program tool to allow other software to interact with it, much the same way as the software will probably implement a user interface to allow people to use it. API implemented by applications, libraries and operating system to determine how other software can make calls to or from their service requests. An API determines the vocabulary and calling conventions the programmer should employ to use the service. This may include specifications for routines, data structures, object classes, and protocols used to communicate between the consumer and the executor API.
· Features
API is an abstraction. Software that provides the functionality described by an API is said to be an implementation of the API.

API can:
· Depending on the language, which is only available in a particular programming language, using the syntax and language elements was to create a convenient API to use in this context.
· Language-independent, that is written in a way that means it can be called from multiple programming languages. This is a desirable feature for service-style API that is not tied to a process or system and can be given as remote procedure calls or web services.
For example, a website that allows users to check out local restaurants capable of coating the above review their maps are taken from Google Maps, as Google Maps API which has allowed it ituGoogle Maps' API control what information third-party sites can take, and what can be done with that.
"API" can be used to refer to the complete interface, function, or even a set of APIs provided by an organization. Thus, the meaning coverage is usually determined by the person or documents that communicate information.
· Web API
                        When used in the context of web development, usually an API defined set of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request messages along with a definition of structural response messages, usually expressed in a While "Web APIs" virtual synonym for web services, the trend is recent ( the so-called web 2.0) has been moving away from Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) based services more directly to the Representation of the State Transfer (REST) ​​style communications. Web API allows the combination of multiple services into new applications known as mashups.
· Implementation
                        POSIX standard defines an API that allows a variety of computing functions should generally be written so that they can operate on many different systems (Mac OS X and various Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) implements this interface), however, using it requires a recompile to each platform. API compatible, on the other hand, allows compiled object code to function without any changes, the implementation of any system API. It is beneficial to both software providers (where they can distribute the existing software on a new system without producing / distributing upgrades) and the user (where they might be older than installing software on their new systems without buying an upgrade), although this need a variety of software generally also required the implementation of the API library

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