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Type of Data Collection

Questionnaire (Kuesionare)
Questionnaire is a list of questions given to respondents to collect data according to research problems. According to Masri Singarimbum, the survey research, the use of a questionnaire is the most fundamental for data collection in the field. The results of this questionnaire will diangkakan (quantification), arranged tables and analyzed statistically to draw conclusions of the study.

The main objective of making the questionnaire is
· To obtain information relevant to the problem and research objectives, and
· To obtain information with a reliable and high validity. Things that need to be considered by the researchers in developing the questionnaire, the questions were drafted to be consistent with the hypothesis and research objectives.

According Suharsimi Arikunto, before the questionnaires were developed attention to the following procedure:
· Formulate goals to be achieved by a questionnaire.
· Identifying variables that will be targeted questionnaires.
· Describe any variables into sub-variables that are more specific and singular.
· Determine the type of data to be collected, as well as the unit of analysis.

Another thing to consider in the preparation of the questionnaire, among others:
· The questions in the questionnaire should also be prepared in accordance with variebel-veriabel research, which is usually defined in the operational definition, which contains indicators of research according to research problems.
· Each question in the questionnaires are part of the elaboration of an operational definition, so it can be analyzed with the right to answer the research problems.

In the questionnaire, the questions diajaukan usually a question regarding the following matters:
· The question of facts. Such as age, education, status and religion
· The question of opinions and attitudes, which comes to feelings and attitudes about something respondsen
· The question of information. Questions concerning what is known by the respondent
· The question of self-perception. Respondents assess its behavior in relation to others.

In terms of how the usage of the questionnaire, there are several ways that can be done by researchers, among others:
· The questionnaire used in face to face interviews with respondents
· The questionnaire filled in by the respondent
· Interview by telephone
· The questionnaire was sent by post.

How to formulate / compile a questionnaire ?, there are several things to consider, among other things:
· Use simple language that can be understood by the respondents.
· Use short sentences are easy to understand.
· Do not too quickly assume that the respondents had the knowledge or experience on the subject of self-esteem penelitian.Lindungi respondents.
· If you want to ask a feeling or a response that is pleasant or unpleasant, ask first things fun.
· Consider the question of direct or indirect.
· Specify the questions are open or closed.
· Enter only one piece of mind on every question.
· The formulation of the question should not be embarrassing respondents. (See, Nasution, 2006: 135-137)

Sample Questionnaire
· Open Questionnaire, which is a questionnaire in which respondents were given the freedom to answer
What methods are used by the father / mother in the teaching of PAI in class?
a ......................
b ......................
c ......................
d ......................
· Questionnaire Closed, if the answer to the question is provided by the researcher.
Is Father / Mother always check the work of a child in class?
a. Selau
b. Often
c. Rarely
· Questionnaire semi-open, ie the answers to the questions are given by researchers, but given the opportunity to answer the appropriate willingness of respondents
What methods are Mr.? Mrs. use in teaching PAI
a. Discussion
b. Lecture
c. ............
· Based on the formation of
o Multiple choice
For example, as in the enclosed questionnaire
o Stuffing
Examples such as the open questionnaire
o Chek list
Before the lesson begins held against student attendance
o   Rating Scale
Example :
Question Item 
Alternative Answer
Dimensions of Self-Awareness
I am confident that the people who have the creativity and capable in performing the task

Recognizes the strengths and weaknesses

To take charge and responsible for solving the problem

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