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 Type of Quotations and Their Examples


Quote is a copy of the sentence, paragraph, or paendapat of an author or greeting people renowned for its expertise, both contained in books, journals, either through print media and large elektronik.menurut Indonesian dictionary, cites is taking a word or phrase from a book or which is different from the plagiat.plagiat lainnya.mengutip is ricochet essay essay or opinion of others and making as if a bouquet or her own opinion.

Types of Quotations:
In general, a quote can be divided into two kinds, namely:
· Direct quotation (Direct Quotation)
Direct quotations (Direct Quotation) is an extract made exactly like the original, the words used is the same as the original material.
Direct quotations are usually used for such things as the following:
- To quote a formula or mathematical model
- To quote the rule-peraturanhukum, keputudsan letter, warrant.
- To quote proverbs, poetry, karyadrama, and aphorisms.
- To quote some definitions are expressed in words that's for sure.
- To memgutip some scientific statements which, if expressed in other forms of fear it would lose its meaning.
Direct quotation is divided into two, namely:
o Direct quotation (short direct quotation)
Is a direct quote that length does not exceed three lines of type. Such citations inserted in the text by giving quotes dyantara quoted material. If it is necessary to quote omitted some words or parts of sentences, then at the beginning of the sentence by three points.
o Direct quotation Long (Long Direct Quotation)
Is a direct quotation longer than three lines of type. The quote is given a place of his own, in paragraphs new stand-alone, typed single-spaced, and wide jorokkan into the first sentence is seven beats letters from the outline of a new one, while the second row and so begins after two beats letters of a line of the left bank, and not be written between quotation marks.
· Indirect quotation (Indirect Quotation or paraphrase)
Indirect quote is a quote that is not exactly the same as the original material. This quote is a typewritten basic thoughts or a conclusion by way pikirasn and pengutip own language. This citation does not dituliskkan between quotation marks, but directly inserted into a sentence or paragraph.
Indirect quotation dibedekkan mennjadi two, namely:
o Indirect quotation (short indirect quotation): It is not a direct quote consisting darisatu paragraph or less.
o Indirect quotation (long indirect quotation): It is the indirect quotation of more than one paragraph.
Examples Excerpts:
· Direct Quotes
- The conclusion of the study was "there is a tendency more and more 'meddling' leadership of the company samakin low level of participation of employees in urban areas" (Subroto, 1990: 23).
- "There is a short message that misleading information. We will selediki continue because its source is there, "said Head of Division (KABID) Public Relations Jakarta Police Commissioner Joey Boy Amar, Jakarta, Saturday (6/3).
- "Motion manipulative is a skill that requires coordination between eyes, hands, or other body parts. , , which includes motion manipuatif among others is to catch the ball, kick the ball, and drawing "(Asim, 1995: 315).
- The argument is a form of rhetoric that seeks to influence the attitudes and opinions of others, that they believe and finally act in accordance with what is desired by the author or speaker (Keraf, 1983: 3).

· Indirect Quotes
- The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to make sure there is no intervention in the investigation into the Bank Century case which allegedly indicated corruption offense (Reuters on Sunday March 7, 2010 page 1).
- In the essay, the agency re-clarify that panggalian only a few dozen meters from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the day will be more improved excavation to reach a depth of 10 meters, up to the area of ​​Al-Aqsa Mosque (, 16/3 / 2010).
- Writing with an indentation good notational conventions to follow. Indentation means giving iden every meet new block at the different blocks. Indent your writing style program is not technically part of the language, so it is used to clarify the reading program by the programmer, not by the compiler. The compiler produces the same output even without indentation. (Bambang Hariyanto, essence-the essence of the Java Programming Language, 2007, p. 174)
- Polymorphism, which means it has many forms, is a key concept in object-oriented design. Two or more objects is said to be polymorphic if it has interfaces that are identical but have different behaviors. (Bambang Hariyanto, essence-the essence of the Java Programming Language, 2007, p. 357)

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