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I am Aliza, a child rantauan from neighboring Negri, by kesematan get a scholarship to study at one university in S1 Seol. Yaap, here I stay seoarang himself, even so I've had some friends who did the campus and even the majors with me. One of them named Kristall. I and Kristall is nearer and kebih get familiar, maybe because our apartment next door and Kristall is always helpful when I face difficulties, especially difficulties in interacting with the surrounding community. Living alone in a foreign country was initially very difficult, because life here is very much different from the life in my native country. Slowly but surely I'm trying to learn the habits-habits that do people of this city with the help of Kristall and her brother. Kristall live with his elder brother named taeyon, they both indeed genuine Seol, so I always ask for their help when experiencing difficulties and they will be happy to help.

This morning I was with Kristall plans to Hangang ditepian jogging round the park, or commonly known as the Han River. Around 6 am after early morning prayers I've been preparing for jogging. Arrived - arrived to the sound of the phone reads "Yeoboseyo? Oh ne ne ... ", it turns out the telephone from Kristall who was waiting in the front lobby appartement, then I rushed down to the lobby. When in the lobby I saw Kristaal together taeyon eonni will likely come with me and Kristall for jogging. "Annyeong eonni? Whoa turns eonni join too ...? ", I said cheerfully. "Liza Annyeong shii, ne ... I was bored in my room, so I want to join you, let all fresh too ...", replied eonni taeyon hugging me. It was not long we went straight to the park on the banks of the Han River. During jogging, endlessly they explain the story of the Han River, and they pointed out places what is good in the area of ​​the Han River. We stopped for a while on the edge of the Han River to enjoy the beautiful views of the Han River. Subhanallah Shocked to see the beautiful scenery of the river. "Liza? you like this place? ", asked Kristall me. "I love Ne ... Kristall, maybe this place will be a place favoriteku in Seol ..", I replied with happy. "When high school I often come here with my friends. Why do not we often come here too? You agree? ", asked Kristall spirit. "AAAA agree bangett Kristall ...", I replied with vigor, taking a small jump position.

When it is cool to talk with Kristall and taeyon eonni, suddenly heard a male voice call out the name of Kristall. "Well ... .Kristall ....", Shouted the man. Suddenly I Kritall look back and see who's calling Kristall with loud noise. It turned out that some of the men who are doing activities such as jogging us. "Yaa..Oppa. Jongging here too? ", Shouted Kristall behind. They all approached us who are sitting enjoying the beauty of the Han River. "Whoa there taeyon nuna too. Yes we again jogging-jogging handsome aja nih here. That's who? ", Asked the man at the Kristall while looking at me. "Ohyaa kenalin oppa, this new chingu Aliza I from neighboring countries", replied Kristall putting his arm around my shoulder. He extended his hand to me. Because I was not accustomed to shaking hands with a man, then I bowed my body while praising, "Joesonghamnida, Jonen Aliza imnida .." and all men bow. "Mianhae oppa, chingu this one so special can not be tricked," said Kristall continue. "Liza, it Chanyeol oppa he emang Like so SKSD people, but good anyway. Is wearing a black jacket that Kyungsoo oppa, his right hand was Luhan oppa, Sehun, Tao and Suho oppa. They are all my friends. ", Said Kristall explained to me. I just gave a smile on all of them.

Suddenly taeyon eonni which had been cool to listen to music, suddenly asking, "Loh Baekhyun shii where?", "That would join nuna, but he suddenly stomach pain so not participate deh nuna", obviously Sehun who had been look can not keep silent because of joking with the Tao. Either just me or does the fact, I saw Chanyeol oppa looked at me with terrible eyes. Somewhat uncomfortable heck yes diliatin new man in the know, but I think positive, maybe that Korean men look at her is like that. I'm also not too mikirin anyway. Then we all went on a jog together. Again I caught Chanyeol oppa glances, this time a real feel uncomfortable, I tried to shift towards taeyon eonni which indeed was cool to listen to music from the headset. "Wae ..?", Asked taeyon eonni me. "Anio eonni ..", I replied with a smile. When finished jogging, I was invited Kristall for breakfast together with the others, because my stomach had started growling, I did not reject the invitation Kristall.

Arriving dining place, somehow Chanyeol oppa choose seating that is right in front of me. "Hyung, hyung here here", shouted Sehun who told Chanyeol oppa to sit beside him, but there was no reply from Chanyeol oppa. Suddenly Kyungsoo oppa come without uttering any word and instantly pull ear Chanyeol oppa to move the seating position. "Aaaaa..appa..apaa ..." shouted Chanyeol oppa pain. Everyone laughed referred me, who saw the incident. Although the position of the seat has been moved, still Chanyeol oppa steal lirikkan me. The uncomfortable feeling lost and the feeling is excited "Aliza Duuuh please deh hell is use degdegan all ??", I said to myself. Kristall also order a meal for me, when he got the food arrived, the food ternyatan been booked Kristall me mixed up with food orders Chanyeol oppa, inevitably I had to table Chanyeol oppa to exchange food. "Mianhae oppa, it looks like our food to be confused?", I said to Chanyeol oppa. "MWO? Ohiya pantesan I am confused why this is dateng yaa .. ", replied Chanyeol oppa. "Gomawo .. 'oppa Chanyeol said again, smiling. I could only reply with a brief smile and straight back to my seat. When finished breakfast eaten we all returned to their respective homes.

During the day I spent time reading novels I have not had time I read because it was blocked by assignments are piling up. "Ting nong ..", the bell of the room appartementku. I rushed out, turned out to Kristall standing at the door with a plate of cake pink and green. "This is for you Lizaa", said Kritall while menodorkan plate at me. "Waaa, Gomawo. Who made this? "I asked. "Anio, this of Chanyeol oppa.", Replied Kristall. "Nugu?" I asked in surprise. "Ne, Chanyeol Oppa. Wae? ", Asked Kristall behind. "Anio anio .. Ayoo sign", I replied deny. "Liza yes ... Chanyeol oppa rich like deh with you?", Said Kristall astounding. I just quietly without answering a word. "Chanyeol oppa told me to deliver this cake for you. Ohiya he asked contact you, should not I love? "Continued Kristall. "For what?", I asked simply. "Maybe he's going communication with you. Chanyeol oppa was good, weve still keliatannya she likes not clear so strange, but it's really sweet Chanyeol oppa. She also likes the same nolong I eonni if ​​more trouble. Chanyeol oppa was also his friend namjachingu taeyon eonni. ", Said Kristall tried to explain. "Namjachingu taeyon eonni? Nugu? "I asked again. "Baekhyun oppa ..", replied Kristall. And I just found out that, man while jogging asked taeyon eonni is namjachingu her. And I decided not to give kontk on Chanyeol oppa, because I was scared and do not dare with new people I know.

The next day, I melakukkan college activities as usual. Leaving for college is always with Kristall, enter the class was always with Kristall, but if we go to the bathroom not ever together * yes yes lah *. When the course finished I decided to go to the library to find the presentation material next week. When it came to the library, I ran into a man who is no stranger dipenglihatanku. "Yes .. Aliza?", He asked, pointing at me. "Ne..Kyungsoo oppa?", "Yes, you remember dengaku?", He asked back. "How could I forget, interesting oppa oppa Chanyeol ears at breakfast hehe ..", I answered convincingly. Then we decided to look for a book together. "Liza, Chanyeol hyung contacted you?" Asked Kyungsoo oppa with a small voice, for fear of sounding a librarian. "Anio, wae oppa?" I asked back. "Yesterday he told me he likes with you at first sight, and she tries to ask your contact at Kristall.", He explained. It was true word Kristall, Chanyeol oppa likes me. Before I answer Kyungsoo oppa already mengajukkan question again "You gave your contact to Chanyeol?", "Anio oppa, I was refusing to not leave my contact at Chanyeol oppa." I said clearly. "Wae? Chanyeol it ... "," Sssssst ... ", the voice of the librarian who hung up Kyungsoo oppa because it was too loud and disturbing other visitors.

Then we decided to get out of the library and look for books that was already there. When exiting the library, I saw Kristall walking with a man. Yaaa man's height and stature was not foreign to me, it Chanyeol oppa. Suddenly the feeling came again, degdegan it arises again, I'm confused I panicked and almost salting moment. "Kyungsoo yaaa ...", shouted Chanyeol oppa. "Zaa zaa please please, do not be panic. Not until salting ", said in the liver. "Annyeong.", Said Chanyeol oppa me. "Kyungsoo oppa, teach me math please.", Said Kristall on Kyungsoo oppa. "Gaja's go to the library.", Spoke Kyungsoo oppa at Kristall. And finally they left us alone. The condition is most do not I love ya gini rich conditions, become very awkward. I just can not clear smiling because it is confused what to say. "To the cafeteria yuk", invite Chanyeol oppa. Again I can not say anything, I just nodded his head and walked toward the cafeteria. Up in the cafeteria Chanyeol oppa tried to start a conversation with me "Mianhae, if I am bothering you ..", "Anio anio oppa", I said the words Chanyeol decided oppa. Sangking geroginya instead decided the conversation of people. Yapp we finally get a casual chat because Chanyeol oppa who make the atmosphere look awkward. And in the end I was on my contact members Chanyeol oppa. Had beripikir, why here I look slut gives all contacts on others.

Night looks phone rang, and it turns out Chanyeol oppa send me a message. I think Chanyeol oppa same as other men in general were just lip service when sending a message to ask What are you doing?, Has been eating? have taken a bath ? and another question which is indeed a question that is usually the way down to small children. I and Chanyeol oppa continue the conversation we were talking about the time in the campus cafeteria. Chanyeol oppa asking me things, from why take courses in Seol? then what is the motivation lecture here, what the vision and mission of life that I live, and so forth. Even from these talks we can exchange opinions and information. Information about Seol and Jakarta.

Increasingly, the same relationship Chanyeol oppa I'm getting better. Chanyeol oppa also often helped me a lot, things such as chores campus. I and Kristall too often do things with Chanyeol oppa and his friends. Until the end Kristall ask that Sama did not cross my mind "Zaa, so you've invented at Chanyeol oppa?" "Huh? offcourse no, we just temenan. "I laughed. "Still? Chanyeol oppa never said to me he likes with you, he is also the story to a friend's apartment. "Kristall asked seriously. "Ayooo zaa replied ...", forced Kristall curious because I ignore the question. "Later aja yaa chingu, I'm confused," I said hurriedly left limp and Kristall.

Kristall question was a matter of thinking, "What really Chanyeol oppa likes me? or merely like instead? What diliat I try?. Where possible the hell, man as cool as it was like the same girl I rantauan this kind. What's great about me? feelings of ordinary aja deh. Ehh but why I was thinking about it? What lest I liked too? Aaa .... Aliza Aliza please stop stop, do not dream continues .. ", I said to herself as she smacked my forehead. Shortly after tepok forehead, my cell phone rang, and it was a message from Chanyeol oppa that says "Saranghyeo, I'm waiting for you in the back garden appartement". Degdegan liver, it would fall off, this mean anything? This dream is not it? one clay rich eye nih min aaaa ... want to ride again. it feels not believe this at all. "Dateng gak yaa, dateng gak yaaa? If dateng sign me real love too but the purpose here that college is not looking for a mate, if not dateng but weve the like. Duuh should be how is this? ", I said fussy. "Chingu yaaaa, wae ...? Keliatannya really confused ... ", asked Kristall surprising. Without saying a word I immediately shows the message sent to the Kristall Chanyeol oppa "I knew it right, already there to the park, definitely Chanyeol oppa already waiting for you.", Said Kristall spirit. "Kristall, you know I'm here for what purpose? I come here to study, not to find a mate. I just do not want will actually let my father and mother. I do not want Kristall. ", I replied wearily. "Well chingu, I know you college destination. But you tetep not be able to fool your heart. When you're dealing with Chanyeol oppa, you can still focus on college right? Chanyeol oppa also always help you, right? I'm sure liza, Chanyeol oppa will always lead you along. ", Cajoled Kristall assured.

There's nothing more I can say at Kristall, I just shut up and answer it with a smile. Until now, even I was confused as to what I should do. Keep it coming or avoidance. Remembering is also a message his father and mother who told me to focus on my goals for college. But I also can not lie in myself if I did save that feeling too. The more confused as to what should behave. But in the end I have to make decisions. And I decided not to come and go to the banks of the Han River to calm the mind. Who knows how many hours I sat on the edge of the Han River while listening to music-music mellow, suddenly someone give me a glass of bubble tea. When I saw that this person is Chanyeol oppa. At that moment I was confused and super duper wonder why Chanyeol oppa can know I'm here, why the hell would I come here nyamperin Chanyeol oppa. "Oppa? Mianhae .... ", Ucpaku. "Gwenchana, I already know all", he said with a smile. "Kristall? Oppa, I know also from Kristall here? "I asked curiously. "Ne ... Kristall story all to me. I'm waiting for you in the garden, but you did not show-up. I sent you a message not bales, I call myself did not you take up. So I decided to ask to Kristall. And finally Kristall explained to me. "And he said, explaining. Again, there is nothing I can not, I just quietly staring at the water flowing in the river Han.

Suddenly Chanyeol oppa issued a bunch of white roses from her hand and say "I've known all, you also can not bohongin you feel. I will try to be the best for you. I'll try to guided you. And I promise not to disrupt the activities of your college. We both support each other and accompany. Want you to always be there for me? ", He asked seriously. Confused, very confused, it felt like shouting "Bundaaa thy mother upset ...". Slowly I'm designing a word properly in order not to slaah speak. "Mianhae oppa, I can not promise always there for oppa, but I'll try to be there when any circumstances.", I replied with a small smile. "So you want?", He asked, surprised. "We run it once wrote oppa, in the future too we do not know our mate or engga. All that has been ruled by God, our lives are run and pray. For father and mother, I will try to say to him but not in a fast time. ", I explained. Chanyeol oppa only reply with a happy smile radiated from her face. "Do not forget kenalin me to yaaaa father and your mother", he said further. I just reply with a nod and a smile. This is where we will start a new story together, with the witness trees, the wind, and the flow of water from the Han River this.

Alhamdulillah getting our day in a relationship with good, even our relationship was finally disetuji mother, because I've mentioned this to the mother. Mother was advised:
"Mother would not ngelarang you have a special friend. Mother just the message, stay focused on your goals and keeping your distance with friends special it. You are a woman, son, you shall live alone there. Take care of yourself. Father and Mother always pray for you from here. Mother dear Aliza "
Finally Chanyeol oppa was already familiar with his father and mother, because we had skype'an together. I also will be introduced to parents Chanyeol oppa. Yaaap, the Han River will remain a favorite place both of us. If indeed we mate, maybe this place will be a place that will always be our visit during our lives. But if we are not paired, we will remain friends and will always come to this place to remember the times we shared.

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