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Build An Organization (Foundation)

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu…

My name Khanty Dwi Ichtyantri, now I sit on the bench lectures at the University Gunadarma Kalimalang domicile. I had a hope and ideals in which I wanted to create an organization in the form of a foundation called Yayasan Baariq Ardzako, Baariq which means shine, lighting, illuminating, while Ardzako is the name of my family, in hopes of becoming the Foundation is able to shine and beneficial to the people human. This foundation is engaged in the field of education to build a free school for street children and children who are unable to attend school.
The purpose of this foundation is to handle and help them the street children and children who are unable to get to school like children who have a right to education. Maybe a lot out there street children who are forced to leave school due to the absence of costs that are owned by their parents, even many street children are not allowed his parents to go to school and they invited busking even looking for items of junk only to bring money. Yet they are still small rightly should find the money to make ends meet, should they go to school, study hard in order to be useful for the generation of this nation.
I want to tell you a little about what I see, when the clock breaks my lecture with my friends I went to the cafeteria next to the campus for lunch and enjoy bowl of soto Betawi sold mothers cafeteria. When it is cool to eat while joking with someone else, I look to my left there are 2 small kids was seeing garbage just to look for bottles and plastic used, and either the boy looked at me while showing the face of sluggish, maybe because seeing our is cool to eat foods that are available. Tertiba I immediately thought, what these children have not eaten?. At that moment I wanted to invite two children were to eat together but honestly fear and shame in myself, I was afraid my friends scorn me or deem me as a snob generous. one child who seeks a bottle was gone and the boy who had gone stare at us, too. And one of my friends said, "O God, pity the child. We help you for their money .. yuk "when it appears in self pity me, why do I have to be people who are afraid and shy when my friends also felt what I felt. When I was with another friend who went straight to the boy who had the money to its members, but to the two children had disappeared. The greater my guilt, sad because I can not help the children. This was the reason I wanted to build a foundation in the form of free schools, I want to help them and the other children so they can experience the world of education, and does not have to be a street child who is looking for thrift or become beggars in the street.
In this foundation I would like to invite friends who volunteered to be volunteers to donate their time, knowledge and energy to teach the children of this street. And teach them about the religion of Islam, such as praying, chanting, learned Arabic and became a figure better than before.
For those street children who age above 17 years old will be taught skills on small businesses and the science of entrepreneurship that later they can use to help their parents in making a living, at least not help with the singing even find stuff of junk. I am convinced of the many street children certainly many of those who have the skills that are latent skill even in themselves, because of economic factors is what makes them unable to develop the skills they possess. Therefore, through this foundation I want to try for a little help these street children develop the skills they have, and I want to try to reduce the number of stupidity carried by Indonesia and the generations to produce a better nation. Aamiin
Maybe it was a picture of an organization that I want to build someday, God willing, I want to aspiration and hope I can be realized by intention, prayer, and the effort and the hard work that I am grasping that the foundation can stand and can help children roads are not aware of the world of education. May God give way for hope and my dream come true, Aamiin Aamiin Yes Rabbalallamiin ... ..
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