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Scrumptious Thanksgiving Arrive in Your place

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Scrumptious Thanksgiving Arrive in Your place

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Waaah already a long time I did not bercuap yaa-cuap this place, already a lot of the same dust cobwebs ya, must be in the same broom clear dip el * ga *
Ya want a little to make a story, about an unexpected experience "), may yaaa, yuk aah start aja not let the longer

Either should be happy or sad should I feel when I actually arrived and stepped on Arab land that time. Happy as I can go run the pilgrimage with mom and my sister. Sad because the father does not participate with us, but I believe, the father must know and clay that we can finally run a pilgrimage that had been planned by the father before.

Yaaa ... pilgrimage is indeed worship previously planned. Are you hoping to invite his wife and two children to perform pilgrimage together, although I was not aware of the plan earlier. But alas, the father of the current circumstances it is very supportive, heart disease father of recurrence and should frequently check up to the hospital and could not be separated from the supervision of a physician. Doctors also do not allow the father to too many activities, because they can lead to heart disease father recurrence.

Up to the date of May 23, 2015 the father breathed his last. Honestly day it was truly a day that makes me feel very devastated devastated. I can not accept the current situation, I do not want to be left father, I was not ready. I'm disappointed, annoyed, angry, why God so quickly called the father, why God did not give a long time for the father. I can not be happy father, I could not give anything to you, I have not been able to make a father proud to have a son like me. I was devastated, saw father lying in front of my eyes. There's nothing I can do but cry. But I realized, I care about you, but God is much the same dear father. I realize that God does not want you continue to feel sick.

Exactly at 12.30 the night in the local area (Jeddah) I and other Umrah pilgrims arriving at King Abdul Aziz airport. Then we continue the journey to Medina in the travel for 4 hours of Jeddah. During my trip I was amazed by the views of the desert and mountain rocks on the right and left of the road. Allah akbar, God is great. So great was the power of Mu Ya Allah.

Congratulations on the road, on the right and left of the road filled with mountain rocks

On arrival in Medina the more my heart pounding, tears fell so heavy. There are no words that I speak but words thankful because I was given the opportunity to come in and arrive at this place. Yaaa Masjiid Nabawi, where this place is located inside the mosque of the Prophet ate of the Muslims, the Prophet of the end times of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

In this mosque I met with all the Muslims from various countries of Turkey, Palestine, India, Egypt, Malaysia, Singapore, Brazil and many others. Masjid Nabawi in my experience the unexpected events, starting often greeted by people in the Prophet's Mosque, given drinking water, given the date until there were hugging and kissing my cheek (woman why women). Subhanallah really wonderful, loving Muslims: ")
Until one afternoon before the noon prayer, two (2) people pretty white woman came up to me and other Umrah pilgrims entourage who was sitting waiting for a noon, and then he said
"Assalamu'alaikum, can speak English?"
without doubt the sudden affection answered "Yes" with a smiling face.
Then the woman asked again "From Indonesia right?"
"Of course" I replied.
With a face full of happy two women told him that she wanted to take pictures with my bersana mothers and other worshipers. 2 This woman came from Palestine, two women said that yes, happy and liked by the people of Indonesia, he said that the Indonesian people well, polite and willing to help, always helping State. Therefore two women wanted a photo with us (me and my mothers other worshipers of travel that I follow), after the two women hugged me kissing my cheek. Honestly who knows what happened to me, then I feel happy and bahagis be met by two women, all the more so they say that they like and are happy with the people of Indonesia. But unfortunately, I did not ask who the two of them and I did not capture the moment on camera that I L

After 3 days in the Medina me, mama, mas dani and other worshipers traveled to the city of Mecca, but prior to the city of Mecca, we all conduct mikot before Umrah in the mosque beer ali, after it had kama proceeded to Masjid forbidden in city Mecca , Approximately 5 hours we traveled there (interspersed with breaks).
Arriving in the city of Mecca, the atmosphere is a little different, the wind that blows feels tight because it Madinah and Makkah is currently experiencing winter, but cold in Makkah colder than in the medina. I and other worshipers first break at the hotel until the wait time tawaf. Promptly at 1 me and pilgrims continue the worship tawaf and headed into the Haram. When entering the mosque, my heart was pounding, plus when he saw the temple as the crow flies, the pounding of my heart. Incessantly I express gratitude and reciting Talbiyah, Subhan Allah O Allah I still do not believe I could come here, I can see the temple in person and up close (as it usually see the temple of the picture, can now be viewed directly) , Dear Allah....

Honestly when he saw the temple and during tawaf in my mind is just Dad, I miss you, I want to meet with the father. Tears flowed ceaselessly into my cheeks, while I give a little sob Talbiyah sentence. All the people around me (pilgrims travel) including mama, can only be stroked my shoulder, trying to help stop the cry that seemed to weep from my lips.

Completed tawaf, a lot of prayer that I prayed, I knew an opportunity like this is very difficult to get, I have to take advantage of this opportunity to continue and many pray and give gratitude for what God has given them.

The longer, more flowing tears, only father I remember it
"Father, ade miss the same father. Ade, same mama mas has come here, sir, we got here safely pack. Father wants us all present here together pack, the father who wants us to worship together. Mr. ade dear father, father missed ade, ade want to see the father. "

"Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, only Thee I begged and asked, terpatkan my father disisimi, beside the best and most beautiful in Jannah thy God, Protect and keep you there, 'God, take away the father of the heat of the fire of Hell Ya Allah, give father happiness there. As well as give me the strength and the strength to deal with all the God, and give me always facilities, and Kelancaraan alive so I can be happy mama and my brother, beriaku health so that I was able to keep mom and my sister Ya Allah "

Increasingly heavy tears fell down her cheeks.
Yaaa maybe it was a handful of prayer that I could say much more * *
* First stop crying yaa-nangisnya, the nyesek fear can not breath # deritapenyakitkecil *

After completing the tawaf, later followed by sa'i (safa hill to the road of dignity for men trot) and tahalul (haircuts). Completed the major pilgrimage (to myself) my mama and mas dani resume worship in front of the temple while waiting for the dawn of time, because already menunjjukkan local time at 04.00 am.

Although the hours of 04.00 am, here never know the word quiet, always busy, always solid. Many of them are still conducting worship tawaf or just pray, dhikr or read the Qur'an in front of the altar near the temple.

Ohiya if in Arabic (Madinah and Makkah) there are two times the azan. Adhan first call to prayer beads and tahajud, second azan (interval 1 jam'an) the call to prayer for dawn prayers. The distance between the adhan and ikomat was about 30 minutes late. Deh stand there, worship tuh feel at peace, and feel constantly reminded. And I tuh most like to sit near the temple, do not want to move it feels.

After morning prayers, my mama and mas dani not directly move from our prayers. We always silent while dhikr and reading the Qur'an. When these eyes darting * what is * see here and there, suddenly these eyes fixed on the sky above the temple. Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar ..... I have never seen such a beautiful sky, the sky pink and blue, plus the moon is white, yaaa I love the moon, unrelenting I give thanks to God, bernar -Right favor of God given so beautiful.

I am the type of person who like to capture certain moments, so views of the beautiful sky that I will not waste it. Because I know, moments like that I have rarely encountered. And this appearance dawn sky above the temple

And many-monet monet that makes me feel amazed: ")

Duuh from earlier story actually real length netesin basic maudlin tears * *
Sorry yaa, the pemblog weve whiny hehe: "")

Furthermore, my little story of the places that I visited there pas: ")
Under yaaaa ...

Foto Masjid Kuba in Madinah

 Foto in Masjid Nabawi at Madinah

Morning near the Ka'bah, while dhuha'an
This intention mama photo from the side, instead eeh keambil head wrote, because suananya really crowded here: ")

Duhhh rich by now aja yaa stories .. already were mostly ...
Actually there are many more photos, but the scared nyampah hehe: ")

This story does not intend to show off, just want to share their stories to the blogger wrote. And hopefully make that has not been here to here, and who have been here can be here again. Aamiin Allahumma'aamiin: ")

NB: The photos in share an original photo that I took from my smartphone, do not believe? No evidence Disaya and can ask to me J

Thank blogger ......

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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