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Changes and Organizational Considerations

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Changes and Organizational Considerations

Factors Changes
 The factors that cause changes can be grouped into two general categories:
·         Factor ekstern,
·         Factor intern.
Factor Exstern
Is the cause of the change that comes from the outside, or often called the environment. The organization is responsive to changes in their environment. Therefore, it is rarely an organization to make major changes without a strong boost from the environment. That is, a major change occurred due to environmental demands. Some of the causes of organizational changes that included an external factor is the development of technology, economic factors and government regulations.
Development and technological progress is also an important cause for changes. Replacement of old fixtures with new equipment more modern causes changes in various ways, for example: working procedures, quality and quantity of labor, raw material, the type of output that is generated, the system of remuneration applied which allows the number of parts that is reduced or relationship changed work patterns for their new equipment.
Science and technology development continues so that each time found a variety of new technology products that directly or indirectly forcing organizations to make changes. Organizations that are not responsive and willing to absorb the findings of these technologies will be left behind and in turn will not be able to survive.
Factor Intern
Is the cause of the change that comes from within the organization, which can be derived from various sources, among others:
· Problem relationships between members,
· Problem in the process of cooperation,
· Problem finance.
Relationships between members who lack harmony is one problem which is prevalent. Divided into two, namely: problem concerning a superior subordinate relationship (a relationship that is vertical), and problems concerning the relationship among members of equal level (relations that are horizontal). Problem superior subordinate that often arises is the problem concerning decision-making and communication. Leadership's decision with regard to the wage system, for example, are considered unfair or improper by a subordinate, or a decision on enforcement of working hours is considered too long, and so on. This will cause the behavior of members of organizations that are less profitable, such member is often too late. Communication superior subordinate also often cause problems. The ruling itself may be fine but because of a misinformed, subordinates refuse management decision. In such cases the changes were made regarding the system of communication channels used.
Problems that often arise with regard to the relationship among members of the organization in general involves communication problems and interests of each member.
Cooperation process that took place in the organization is also sometimes a cause for changes. Problems that can arise concerning cooperation system problems and may also involve equipment or equipment used. Cooperation system is too bureaucratic or otherwise can cause an organization to be inefficient. System bureaucracy (rigid) lead into impersonal relationships between members has resulted in low morale and in turn productivity decreases, and vice versa. Changes must be made to be related to organizational structure used.
Equipment used in processing inputs into outputs can also be a cause for changes. The purpose of using a variety of equipment and tools in the process of cooperation is in order to obtain results efficiently.

Proces Changes
There are several stages of the process of change in an organization, for example:
1. Because there is pressure and Push, which is referred to here is, pressure & Push from outside or within to develop an organization that wants to grow and run more leverage.
2. Interfrence and Reorientation usually involves someone else to manage, which is needed in order to remind the reintroduction of what has been achieved and what still needs to be a mission to achieve the vision of an organization.
3. Diagnosis and Introduction to the problem, which here trying to find what the cause, the funds resulted in what, and how the organization to solve a problem with either.
4. The discovery and commitment of the settlement, after finding a new thing to Completion problem, it will be obtained new commitments, which must be run, so failures in the past no longer unrepeatable in the future.
5. Experiment and acceptance of the results, after which we do a new experiment, we too must be able to accept the results, and review again so that we know where the handicap such a manner and modify back in for the change was for the better and as expected.

The characteristics of Organizational Development
The development of an effective organization can be characterized as follows:
1. It is a deliberate strategy in bringing about organizational change, which has clear goals based on a proper diagnosis of the problems faced by the organization.
2. It is a collaboration between the various parties who will be affected by the changes that will occur.
3. Stresses that new ways are needed to improve the performance of the entire organization and all work units within the organization.
4. Containing humanistic values on which the development of human potential becomes the most important part.
5. Adopting the commitment so always take into account the importance of interaction, interaction and interdependence between the various units of work as an integral part in the atmosphere intact.
6. Using a scientific approach in efforts to improve organizational effectiveness.

Methods of Organization Development
           Behavior Development Method
1. Managerial Network (Managerial Grid)
Managerial or lattice network managerial (managerial grid), also called network (grid training), is an organization development method which is based network management. The theory was pioneered by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. In this method, known as two-dimensional two leadership behavior, the attitude of a leader that focuses on the production, and the behavior of leaders who concentrated his behavior in people. In terms of intensity, an employer might be able to apply simultaneously two such behavior in the same or different intensity.
The fifth leadership style that can be described with using network image below. The X-axis shows the behavior of the leadership of the people and the Y axis is the leader that focuses on the concern for production.
Five managerial style of leadership in the grid, are as follows:
· Grid 1.1 shows the behavior of the leadership with low attention both production as well as for people. In this Grid leadership acts only as an intermediary, channeling information from the upper to the lower.
· Grid 9; 1 shows the behavior of the leadership with high attention to the production and lower against the people. Leaders are only concerned with the level of production and less people who helped him. On this grid is Authoritarian leadership.
· Grid 1.9 addressing the low leadership behavior towards production, high  against those who work. In this Grid leadership creating a workplace full of friendship.
· Grid 9.9 shows the behavior of the leadership with high attention to people and the productions. This is the most effective leadership style.
· Grid 5.5 addressing their leadership behavior with attention to both medium people and production. In the production of the leadership did not want to targets that may be difficult to accomplish.
2. Sensitivity Training
Sensitivity training (sensitifity training) is training with the group. Therefore, this method is also a method called T-groupe (T = Training). In this method, the purpose of the sensitivity is sensitivity to oneself and to the relationships themselves with others. This method is based on the assumption that the difficulty to excel in emotional problems caused by the presence of groups of people who need to reach the goal. This method assumes that if the emotional issues that may be at the top is by itself difficult to adapt can be removed.
Therefore the aim of the  sharpen sensitivity is sensitive, feeling (emotion), and the speed of reaction in the face several problems. In this exercise the group members give to learn about themselves in the face of others, their own needs and attitudes. This attitude can be revealed through two ways, namely through their own against others, and through the behavior of others to themselves.
3. Team
Team (Team Feedback) is a method that attempts to collect data from members of the organization. The data includes data related to behavior, attitudes, and many other feelings that exist in every member of the organization. The data has been collected and then collated and in the development of the organization's members who have been in the survey to be discussed. From the results of the discussion will be in feedback (feedback) from members of the organization who has been in the survey, whether changes need to be held or not.
4. Feedback Survey

Methods Development of Skills and Attitudes:
1) On the Job Training
Exercise at the workplace (on the job training) is working actual workplace. Exercise trains members of the organization to carry out the work - work more efficiently. In this latian instructions given directly to the organization's members place, whether they are working or they are individual. With is expected of the members of the organization better able to run and more control of their work.
There are several benefits in training in the workplace, among others:
· Very economical Karen participants remain productive as long as they follow training
· Presentation of members of the organization will not be reduced or lost. It is very different when compared with exercises that are held outside the workplace. Exercise outside the workplace would involve partial presentation to disappear when participants return to their respective working places
2) Job Instruction Training
Is to give instructions directly work on the job and is primarily used to train employees on ways of implementation of the work now. In this method listed all the steps that need to be done in accordance with the order of work.
3)      Of The Job Training
Method of off-the-job training is the use of a situation outside of work. Used when many workers must be trained quickly as in control of the work, in addition, it is also when the training in the work can not be done because it is very expensive.
· Lecture
Is a training method to give a lecture or a talk within the framework of the submission of the information required this method the cost is not high, but its weakness is that participants are less participation and less response.
· Video Presentation
Are the achievements made through the medium of television, films, slides and the like are similar to the form of lecture.
· Role Playing
It is a game of roles performed by the participants to play the roles of certain people and asked to respond to the other participants of different roles. This technique can change the attitude of the participants, such as: being more tolerant of individual differences and also can develop interpersonal skills.
· Case Study
It is a method of training where trainees faced some written case and are required to solve these problems.
· Simulation
Simulation is a situation or event that is displayed as closely as possible to the actual situation, but only an imitation of the training course and should give a response as in the actual incident. So the simulation is a technique to imitate as closely as possible to the actual concept of the work to be found.
· Self Study
Is a technique that uses modules written and tapes or video tape recording and the participants just learn it themselves. This technique is used when the exact number of employees who attend training in large numbers, the employees dispersed in various locations different and difficult to collect the employees as well as to jointly follow a specific training program.
· Programmed Learning
In this method, given some of the questions and the trainees must provide correct answers. This method can also be through a computer that already has its own program so that participants can learn and details the step by step with immediate feedback - every step. Each trainee can set the pace of learning
· Laboratory Training
This technique is a form of group exercise is primarily used to develop interpersonal skills. This exercise is great sensitivity, which participants become more sensitive to the feelings of others and the environment. Training Laboratory is useful to develop a range of behaviors for the job responsibilities in the future.
4) Vestibule Training
Training is done in a special room that is separate from the usual workplace and provided the same kind of bleak  that will be used in the actual work. This exercise is useful as a precursor of vocational training.

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