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Art and Culture of West Sumatra (Padang)

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Art and Culture of West Sumatra (Padang)

West Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra and thousands of boxed Padang. This area is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean and has a term synonymous with the city Minangkabau, and has a variety of unique arts and culture of this region. This time I will try to explain and meyebutkan several arts and culture in the city of Padang in West Sumatra

Arts and Cultural of Riau
Many art and culture possessed by this area which makes Indonesia has arts and culture bermaca sorts anyway. Here are some of the culture and arts in West Sumatra such as:
Custom home
House Tower is a custom home that came from West Sumatra, originating from the Minangkabau people. The traditional house is usually built on land owned by parent families in the tribe / clan are hereditary. House Tower shape is rectangular and is divided into two parts, namely front and rear, the Tower House made of wood, and if being in a quick look almost like a house on stilts. One of the peculiarities of this traditional house in the manufacturing process is not using iron nails but only using pegs made of wood

Traditional clothes
Sumtra West has traditional clothes of this region, West Sumatra Indigenous Traditional Clothing utuk woman was called by Baju Kurung for Indigenous Traditional Clothing West Sumatra in men is called Custom Clothing Penghulu.

Traditional weapon
Traditional Weapons from this area named Karis, shaped like a dagger, usually worn by men and placed at the front, at present only used for the groom as a complement to traditional men's clothing. Shaped like a dagger but not grooved

Traditional dace
Padang has a wide range of dance as dance tardisional plate, umbrella dance and much more. Dance Dance dish is accompanied by songs played with talempong and saluang, where the movement is done quickly while holding a plate in the palm of their hand. Sometimes the plates they threw into the air or they slammed him to the ground and trampled by the dancers with bare feet

Traditional musical instruments
Nuance Minangkabau is in every musical West Sumatra when mixed with any type of music this time will definitely be visible and palpable in every track works circulating society, because Minang music can be formulated with the flow of music of any kind so pleasant to hear and be accepted by community. Some of the tools of traditional musk Padang
This music instrument including a wind instrument made of thin bamboo or gutters

This music tool has 7 holes and can play songs both traditional and modern because it has a standard tone

The shape is almost the same as the gamelan of Java. Talempong can be made of brass, but some are made of wood and stone. Talempong usually used to accompany dance typical piringyang, pasambahan dance, dance wave, etc. Talempong also used to welcome special guests

Rabab is an art in Minangkabau played by swiping like a violin.

Traditional celebrations
Community of padang have the celebration of opposing the celebration of indigenous other areas, for example in the wedding ceremony the people of Padang, before the wedding is a ceremony Meresek which means that the first meeting between families where the woman who came to the man and to woo the men carrying luggage proposal prepared

Typical food
West Sumatra (Padang) is famous cuisines have a peppery taste dishes created because many contain spices. Some of the famous cuisine of this area that is rending flesh and green chili which was felt very spicy. Quite often people of this area usually opens a Padang restaurant with a menu that is typical of this area

Already described several arts and culture in West Sumatra. There are many more arts and culture in the area. To find other arts and culture of the region can be searched via the Internet. By knowing the arts in this area be her a lesson my morning and for the youth successor to other nations, in order to know that Indonesia has a lot of art and culture from the region and the province is in it and still love the arts and culture in Indonesia , Maintain and preserve the culture in Indonesia in order not extinct. As an educated young people and we must continue the ideals of the ancestors to maintain and preserve the culture and arts in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra from extinction and in the clamp by other States.

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