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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu….
My name Khanty Dwi Ichtyatri, this time I will try to make writing about the kinds of conflicts that occur in a foundation before I made in writing "Ideals build Organizations (Foundation)" and look for how the settlement of conflicts in foundation. Previously I would explain the sense of conflict.
Conflict comes from the Latin verb meaning configure hit each other. Sociologically, the conflict is defined as a social process between two people or more (can also group) where one party trying to get rid of the other party to destroy it or make it powerless.
In a foundation that, God willing, I want to set up, usually there is a conflict in it, here are some examples of conflicts that can occur in a foundation that I want to build the future (God willing)
· Conflicts among children (students) in the foundation
· Conflicts among volunteers (teachers) or staff in the foundation
· Conflicts because of disagreement of parents of children (students) if the child will go to the foundation
· The emergence of these groups or gangs among children (students)
In an organization (foundation) is usually the case of a conflict, but there is no conflict that can not be solved in a good way, here are some ways that I think are capable of handling and finish conflicts within the organization or foundation that I want to set up:
· For conflicts between students in foundations such as fights, can be solved by asking beforehand what causes the conflict between the student, then asked to speak with students who are experiencing conflict, then provide feedback and advice that the fight was not good and tell that God does not like the man who likes or likes to fight.
· Problems between volunteers could be solved by negotiations between the two sides clashed, the initial asking pproblem and find a way out together, as desired by both parties. If the problem started because of personal problems should mediator informed that personal case should not need to be brought into the organization (yayasa)
· If the parents or guardians of children (pupils) in the foundation does not agree if their children studying in the foundation, should be notified in advance to the parent or guardian of the importance of education for their children and a ban on employment of children under the age of making money. Then explained that the foundation of children will be taught the ways of entrepreneurship by making crafts that can later be resold, and children do not need to be begging or busking on the street.
· Giving a lesson or education to students regarding social life, that makes gang is one of the factors that contribute to fighting between other groups and members were able to enter that wonderful difference in the lives of members of colors and able to enforce the mutual respect between people.
To handle the case of this conflict the role of parents was needed so that children are able to control his emotions. Those are some examples of conflicts that I think could happen in an organization, especially a foundation that I want to set up, and a few ways you can do to solve the problem.
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