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Posts 2 Introduction to Telematics - Telematics Interface Features

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Definition Antarmatic
In common usage, an interface or the interface is a point, region, or surface where two different substance or object meets or also used metaphorically to the border between objects.
Said interface also has a special meaning:
· The user interface is a sensor functions and attributes of a system (application, software, vehicles, etc.) associated with the operation by the user.
· In electronics and computer engineering, an interface can mean:
ü physical limits of two subsystems or devices.
ü A part or circuits in some subsistemyang sending or receiving signals to or from other subsystems: network interface, video interface, network card.
ü A standard that describes a set of characteristics that function, common physical interconnection characteristics, signal characteristics and to exchange data or signal; USB interfaces, SCSI interfaces.
· In telecommunications, an interconnection point between the user terminal equipment and commercial communications facilities.
· In software engineering, it is a specification of the property a software component that other components can depend on it: see interface (computer science).
· In chemistry, it is the surface between two different phases dalah mix "heterogeneous".
· In geology, it may also be a surface layer or "anomalous" between the two "epoch" or a different geological rock types.
And it can be concluded that the interface (interface) is a service provided by the operating system as a means anatara user interaction with the operating system. The interface is a component of the operating system that is in direct contact with the user.
There are two types of interfaces, the Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI).
· Command Line Interface (CLI) CLI is the type of interface where the user interacts with the operating system via text-terminal. Users running commands and programs in the operating system by typing lines tertentu.Meskipun concept is the same, each operating system has a different name or term for its CLI.
· Graphical User Interface (GUI) GUI is the type of interface used by the user to interact with the operating system through graphic images, icons, menus, and using a pointing device (pointing device) such as a mouse or track ball. The main elements of the GUI can be summarized in the concept of a WIMP (window, icon, menu, pointing device).

The user interface

The user interface (User Interface) is a means of communication anatara user (user) with the system. The user interface (user interface) can receive information from the user (user) and provide information to the user (user) to help direct the flow of the search problem to find a solution.
User interface, serves to input new knowledge into the knowledge base of expert systems (ES), featuring annotation systems and provide guidance on the overall use of the system step by step so that the user understands what to do about a system.
The most important thing in building a user interface is the ease of use or run the system, interactive, communicative, while the difficulties in developing or building a program should not be too are shown.
The user interface is present for various systems, and provides a way to:
· Input, allowing users to manipulate a system
· Output, allowing the system to show the effects of user manipulation

There are 6 kinds of features found on the user interface telematics. Features include: Head Up Display System, Tangible User Interface, Computer Vision, Browsing Data Audio, Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis.
· Head Up Display System
Head Up Display (HUD) is a transparent display in which he displays the data without requiring the user to look in another direction from the standpoint usual. Origin of the name of the tool is that the user can view the information with the head elevated (head-up) and looking towards the future rather than looking towards the bottom part of the instrument. Although HUD created for the benefit of military flight, now HUD has been used in civil aviation, motorized and other applications.

·         Tangible User Interface
Tangible User Interface (TUI), an interface that allows a person to interact with a digital information through the physical environment. TUI is one of the pioneer Hiroshi Ishii, a professor at the MIT Media Laboratory who led the Tangible Media Group. The views are so special to so-called tangible tangible UI bits, which gives physical form to digital information that makes bits can be manipulated and observed directly.

·         Computer Vision
Computer Vision is a science and technology of machines that see. Computer vision is also used to build artificial intelligence theory that requires information from the image (the image) is captured in various forms such as a video sequence, the view of the camera taken from different angles and multi-dimensional data is obtained from the results of the scan (scan) medical. Computer vision is also trying to integrate models and theories for the construction of computer vision systems. As an example :
ü Interaction means as input (inputs) to a device that will be used as a tool for both human and computer interaction.
ü Controlling processes that are usually used for robotics in the world of industry.
ü Organizing information is usually used for indexing database for images and image sequences.

·         Browsing Audio Data
Browsing Audio Data is a network browsing method used for browsing video / audio data captured by an IP camera.
Network video / audio browsing method includes the steps as follows:
Running a computer application program locally to get an identification code that is stored in the camera's IP Transmission to register the identification code to a DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) by the application program Obtain IP camera personal address and address of the private server so that pairs of IP cameras and control IP camera via the camera private IP address and server addresses to compile personal server service through personal server address so as to get the video / audio data captured by the IP camera, which captures the service server video / audio data over the Internet.
As the network technology advances, more and more applied to tissue products made-up constantly. One of the most commonly applied to a known network is an IP camera products, which can display the contents (video / audio data) via the Internet. IP cameras are usually connected to the network through a router, and has an IP (Internet Protocol) address after the connection operation.

·         Speech Recognition
This system is used to convert voice into text, with automatic voice recognition (automatic speech recognition) or a voice recognition computer (computer speech recognition) with earlier computer system can detect a noise which of the voice will be converted into text. Given this system the user does not need to do the typing to type a sentence was enough to ring the words that the computer automatically write what you say. And is also used (voice recognition) that is used to identify those who rang said that when the user speaks so the user will be recognizable voices come from anyone with this tool and the term "Speech Recognition" is used to identify what was spoken by the user.

·         Speech Synthesis
Speech synthesis is the result of the artificial intelligence of the talks conducted by humans. Computers are used for this purpose is called speech syhthesizer and can also be integrated on a hardware device (hardware) and software (software). System text to speech (TTS) is used to change the language of normal conversation.

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