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My move

Every person must have a past. Either dark past or just the opposite. From each of the past that will surely leave a memory that means a lot to the owner of the experience. No exception for me.
Bitter sweetness of a life experience, makes me a woman who continues to learn from past mistakes. Getirnya life also gives clarity to me, that life must go on, although all must be originated from an error. Even sobs did not ever stop to always be there and accompany every thought of all the errors. Maybe if tears could speak, I'm sure he'll say that he was tired out and hatch in my face. Or maybe he would be angry because he was afraid that if he could no longer dripping and flowing falling down my cheek.
Every woman wants to look perfect and definitely want to have a perfect life anyway. Not infrequently a woman willing to do anything to have that perfection. I had one woman who wanted to have a perfect life. Because perfection is the one who made me into a figure of a woman who looks so happy without realizing that there is a God who is far more perfect than me. And a perfection that should I start with an error.
All human beings must have made a mistake, not even a few of those who feel sorry and hoped that mistake will not happen again. And I, just like they've done something wrong, do not! not only one, but a lot of mistakes I ever did.
I wonder what happened to me today. Lately I've always felt restless, always sad, sometimes angry, even I was not at peace with my life at this time. Arm-time I tried to calm down and pray, but I still can not find the answer to my anxiety nowadays. Till I met a woman wearing a khimar syar'i, and I feel cool when seeing her. Subhan Allah, praise be to Him.
The woman was named Tari, he's one of my new friends on campus. I learned a lot about the religion from him, he also saah one person who could made me realize the importance of hijab. Initially I asked him, why he used the hijab syar'i, what drives it used the hijab syar'i. And he simply replied "That's Commandments". Then he told me to open the Koran and menbaca surah Al-Araf verse 26 which means:
"O Children of Adam! Indeed, we have been providing clothing to cover your nakedness and for jewelry for you. However, piety clothes, that's better. Thus sebahagian God's signs, hopefully they remember. "(Al-Araf: 26)

Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu said: "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, which means:" There are two classes of hell I'd never seen before; a group of people who hold the whip like cattle used for whipping men and women who dressed but essentially naked, they walked swaying, their heads tilted like a camel's hump. They will not go to heaven and could not smell her. Indeed Jannah aroma wafted from the distance so and so. "(HR. Muslim)
                Many letters and traditions that he has shown on the instruction hijab, many things that I learned from dance, she also taught me about a woman who shaleha. This heart felt calm and happy to hear all the things that tell you about the woman shaleha Dance with me. I thought of this possible answer to my anxiety?, Maybe God told me to fix myself?. Some days I think about all of this, I kept asking about the hijab ngajiku teacher who recommended in God. And indeed convincing answers to heart that he was kept and close the genitals that Allah's command. And starting saai it was I myself intend to improve dri and use hijab which is as recommended by Allah SWT. Bismillah
                Gradually, the process for the sake of the process I started to transform myself into a woman to get closer to God and try to use hijab which is consistent with the recommendation of Allah SWT. Every day I feel more and more quiet time to get closer to God, and with the use of the veil was I had the coolness yourself. Day after day I continue to improve myself, look in the mirror and bermuhasabah themselves will all the same mistakes I did. And maybe this is the way God wants for me, and maybe it answers all the anxiety that I experienced.
                Change for the better does not mean there is no obstacle. There are so many obstacles, temptations even ejekkan that I get when I decided he was kept well. Many who support, not a few who mock and was surprised because this my change.
"Zaa ... why did you change? "
"Zaa ... you know why?"
"Zaa ... want ngaji where?"
"Zaa..pake tablecloth? wide hood that? "
"Zaa..jangan quasi-goody sok'an so ah, do not fit!"
"Zaa ... the wind's okay to be rich this?"
"Alizaa, lu tuh pantes not so rich, scamp scamp aja mah need not be self-righteous so .."
And many more questions and remarks that they give when they saw me turn into a better figure. I ask forgiveness from Allah the Almighty…
                Honestly, when I feel down I feel sad, why, when I want to change for the better but much to wag my change. Until finally I asked Dance "Dance, Dance decide what it used time much mocking bersyar'i Dance? Is that as bad as past me until they make fun of me? "I asked, while showing the face of sluggish," it is reasonable Ejekkan Aliza, maybe they're all confused as you turn out like this. You just need to give them a smile as they mock you. After all, you change it's because God so to what a shame .. let other people tell you about your past, now that you have to think about is your future. Let others comment on your past, the important thing is now you're already trying to improve yourself, and it is of God's love. So you do not need to worry "Dance Smile as he reassured me.
Dance also shows a sentence that:
"When you change with the teachings of God to bersyar'i, then you should be prepared to talked about by people, friends and even your parents though. But you need not fear, for God will avenge the rumors with wonderful plans for you. "

                Hear the explanation and encouragement Dance gave, I was stronger will be rumors of other oaring and increasingly continues confident this will be my change. I do not need to be afraid and should further strengthen my faith so as not to fall back ...

Oh God, I know I'm not perfect
I know, I'm a sinner ......
However, not door-thy mercy is greater for those who want to repent?
I beg Ya Allah
Give me the strength to keep istiqomah live my days in accordance Shari'ah-Mu Ya Allah
Because they only thee will I find self-perfection
To reach Syugra thy eternal and immutable ..
                I also just need mendo'a-kan they were indeed wag and make fun of me, hopefully they opened the door of his heart by God. And the more I sykuri, I had both parents who are fully supportive of what I do. While it is still within the rules and teachings of religion, he completely handed over to me on the road I choose. Even today many friends who support my change, that not a few of them were happy to see my change. Even among themselves had no intention to emigrate just like me. Aamiin Yes Rabbal'alaamiin, hopefully as soon as possible to emigrate to get better.
Thank you O God, you strengthen yourself and this heart to be better emigrate. You make it easy path to understanding your guidance, and you give me those who are able to support each other and encourage each other to continue istiqomah ...

All this is because Allah SWT.

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