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Posts 1 Introduction to Telematics - Definition, Development &; trend Telematics

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Definition Telematic
Telematics is a long-distance communication technology, which convey information in one direction, as well as reciprocal, with digital systems. Telematics own sense refers more to the industry associated with the use of computers in telecommunications systems. Included in this telematics service is dial up to the Internet as well as all types of network-based telecommunications systems to transmit data. And the Internet is one example of telematics.
Telematics refers to the nature of cyberspace as an electronic system that was born out of the development and convergence telekominikasi, media, and information. In the Introduction to the Course Telematikan Law Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, stated that the term telematics refers to the development of technological convergence between telecommunications, media, and information that originally each developed separately. The term Information Technology itself refers to the technological development of information processing devices.

story Telematic
The term telematics was first used in 1978 by Simon Nora and Alain Minc in his book L'informatisation de la Societe. The term telematics is derived from the word in the French language is a combination of two words telematique telecommunications and informatics. Understanding Telematics itself refers more to industries related to computer use in telecommunications systems. Which include telematics services are dial up to the Internet as well as all types of network-based telecommunications systems to transmit data. And the Internet is one example of telematics.
The integration between telecommunication and informatics systems known as Information and Communication Technology or ICT (Information and Communications Technology). More specifically, ICT is a science that deals with the sending, receiving and storing information using telecommunications equipment. In general, the term is also used for telematics technology Navigation System / Global Positioning or GPS (Global Positioning System) as an integral part of the computer and communications technology to move (mobile communication technology). More specifically, the term used for the field of vehicle telematics and traffic (road vehicles and vehicle telematics).

Telematics functions
In harmony with the notion of telematics as a means Komuikasi distance, then the function of telematics among others:
· The transmitter of information.
Telematics is used as a transmitter of information to help people who do Communication becomes more knowledgeable than ever before. Increasing human knowledge will improve life skills, add intelligence, awareness and insight.
· Means of Social contacts societal life.
Social interaction raises togetherness; intimacy, and unity will give birth cooperation. Telematics be a liaison between the participants of such cooperation, even if they are scattered everywhere. Telematics bridging the social interaction and cooperation so as to produce value-added services rather than individual results

Benefits and Negative Impact of Telematics
Positive and negative effects that may arise from these tools of course a lot more depending on utilization. When children are allowed to use the computer at random, the effect can be negative. Instead, the computer will have a positive influence when used wisely.
positive (gain) on the development of telematics among others:
· Ease in obtaining information quickly.
The information obtained can be real time means that at that time also. Besides the desired information can be obtained directly at the source, thereby reducing the distortion of information.
· Transparency in the Information.
Information can be known to anyone because of their openness.
· Ease in obtaining data.
With the development of telematics we can obtain data and information from various sources, both domestic and abroad.
· Saving Time.
People no longer need to queue up a long time 'expense in conducting financial transactions but enough to make transactions via the internet or mobile phones.
· The benefit to society
ü The benefits of internet in e Business can significantly reduce the cost of doing business transactions and provide ease of diversification needs.
ü The benefits of internet in e Government can improve the performance of government in providing information and services to the public.
ü In the field of health and education also significantly also has nilah benefits to society at large.
ü Telematics enough given its own color in the national economy. Marked by the rise of a group of young people to build new businesses using Internet technology, then Indonesia is not behind in the booming electronic commerce / electronic commerce (e-commerce).
ü Development of Telematics sector is believed to affect the development of other sectors.
· The advantage for children - children
ü Among the benefits that can be gained is the use of educational software programs such as basic knowledge in reading, math, history, geography, and so on. Moreover, the device is now education is now also mixed with elements of entertainment (entertainment) in accordance with the material, so that the child is getting love.
ü Other benefits to be gained through the application program shaped children games are generally designed for game purposes and not specifically given charge of education. Some applications can be adventure games, setting strategy, simulation and role playing (role-play).

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