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Konflikberasal of Latinconfigere verb which means to beat each other. Sociologically, the conflict is defined as a social process between two people or more (can also group) where one party trying to get rid of the other party to destroy it or make it powerless. Conflict is motivated by differences in the characteristics that brought the individual in an interaction. the differences among them are related to the physical characteristics, intelligence, knowledge, customs, beliefs, and so forth.
With dibawasertanya individual characteristics in social interaction, conflict is a normal situation in any society to people's no one else who had never experienced a conflict between its members or with other community groups, the conflict will only disappear with the loss of society itself. Conflict contrary to integration. Conflict and Integration run as a cycle in the community. Controlled conflict will result in integration. conversely, integration is not perfect can create conflicts.

Type - Conflict type according to Dahrendorf, conflicts are divided into six categories:
· Conflict between or in the social role (intrapersonal), for example between the roles in the family or profession (the conflict (role))
· The conflict between social groups (inter-family, inter-gang).
· Conflict organized and unorganized groups (police against the mass).
· Conflict between national units (campaign, civil war)
· Conflict between or not between religions
· Conflict between politics.
· Conflict individuals and groups
Source of Conflict namely:· Individual differences, including differences in the establishment and feelings.
Every human being is a unique individual. That is, everyone has the establishment and feeling different from one another. Differences establishment and feeling of something or a real environment can be a factor causing social conflict, because in living social relations, one is not always in line with the group. For example, when the musical performances take place in the neighborhood, of course the feeling of every citizen will be different. Some are annoyed that noisy, but some are amused.
· Differences in cultural background so as to form different personalities.
Someone less will be affected by the patterns of thought and the establishment of the group. Thought and different establishments that will ultimately result in individual differences that can lead to conflict.
Differences between the interests of individuals or groups.
Humans have feelings, establishments and different cultural backgrounds - different. Therefore, at the same time, each person or group has different interests. Sometimes people can do the same, but for different purposes. For example, such a difference in terms of the interests of forest use.
Community leaders perceive the forest as cultural treasures that are part of their culture and maintained as such and should not be cut down. Farmers menbang trees being perceived as a barrier for them to make a garden or field. For entrepreneurs wood, felled trees and then the wood is exported in exchange for cash and a job opening. As for environmentalists, the forest is part of the environment that must be preserved. Here it was clear there was divergence of interests between one group against another so that will bring social conflicts in society. Conflicts caused by differences of interest it may also involve the political, economic, social, and cultural. Similarly, can occur between groups or between groups of individuals, such as conflict between groups of workers with employers that occur due to differences in the interests between the two. The workers want a fair wage, while employers will want a great income to enjoy themselves and enlarge the field as well as the volume of their business.
· Changes in the value of rapid and sudden in society.
Change is a common and natural to happen, but if the change is rapid or even sudden, these changes can lead to social conflict. For example, in rural communities who experience sudden industrialization process would bring social conflicts because the old values ​​on traditional societies are usually patterned farming was fast becoming an industrial society values. Values ​​that change was such great value changed to the value of mutual cooperation contract with wages adjusted according to the type of work.
Kinship shifted to structural relationships which are arranged in a formal organization of the company. Shared values ​​turn out to be individualistic and values ​​regarding the use of time tend to be tight turn into a firm timeline as a schedule of work and rest in the industrial world. These changes, in the event of rapid or sudden Seara, will make the Jolt social processes in society, it will even happen the rejection of all forms of change because they disrupt public order existing kehiodupan

Approach to conflict resolution by leaders categorized in two dimensions is cooperation or no cooperation and assertive or not assertive. With the use of both these dimensions there are five kinds of conflict resolution approaches are:
· Competition
Settlement of the conflict that defined the beat or the expense of others. Completion of the form of competition known as win-lose orientation.
· Accommodation
Conflict resolution described the competition mirror images are on the whole settlement on the other side without any attempt to fight for his own ends. The peace process is a tactic.
· Sharing
One approach is a compromise settlement between domination and peace groups. One party that lkain give and receive something. Both the moderate-minded groups, is not complete, but satisfying.
· Collaboration
Establishment of conflict resolution that is satisfactory to both parties. This effort is a problem-solving approach (problem-solving approach) that require integration of both sides.
· Avoidance
Perdulian concerns of both groups. These circumstances illustrate the withdrawal of interest or ignoring the interests of other groups.

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