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Language is a communication tool. Through human language can interact or communicate, share experiences and learn from each other to improve inetelektual. Meman language are manifold, by the speaker because it should be able to choose the kind of language that is appropriate to the needs and background belakangya
Variety of language is a variant of a language according to the user. Unlike the dialect variant of a language according to the user. Such variation can be shaped dialects, accents, barrel, style or a variety of other sosiolingutik, including variations in the standard language itself. Variation in the level of the lexicon as slang and argot, is often considered to be associated with a particular style or level of formality, though its use is sometimes also considered as a variation or range of its own.
Various Indonesian variety can be divided into three types:
· Based media
· Based on the perspective of speakers
· Based on the subject.

v Variety Indonesian based media
Judging from the media or the means used to produce language, language diversity consists Variety Variety spoken language and written language.
· Variety Oral
Variety of standard languages ​​spoken are supported by user so that the situation would likely occur deletion of the sentence. However, it did not reduce kebakuannya characteristics. However, the precision in word choice and form of the word as well as the completeness of the elements in the completeness of the elements in the structure of the sentence is not a feature of the standard variety of oral kebakuan because of circumstances into a conversation in understanding the meaning of the notion conveyed verbally
The characteristics of spoken language::
Ø Requires second person / interlocutor,
Ø Depending on the situation, space and time,
Ø No need to pay attention to grammatical elements, just need intonation and body language,
Ø Progress quickly,
Ø It can often take place without tools,
Ø Errors can be corrected immediately ;,
Ø Can be aided by gestures and facial expressions and intonation
Example: 'I've read the book.'

· Variety Write
In the use of the standard variety write the meaning of a sentence that expresses it is not supported by the use of the situation, while the standard language variety spoken sentence meaning it expresses supported by the user so that the situation would likely occur fading element of the sentence. Therefore, the use of the standard variety write the necessary precision and accuracy in the selection of words, the application of the rules of spelling, structure tenses and sentence structure, as well as the completeness of the language elements in the sentence structure.
The characteristics of diverse wrote:
Ø Does not require a second person / interlocutor,
Ø Not depending on the conditions, situations and space and time,
Ø Must pay attention to grammatical elements,
Ø Progress is slow,
Ø Always use the tools,
Ø Errors can not be immediately corrected,
Ø Do not be helped by gestures and facial expression, simply helped by punctuation
Example: 'I've read the book.'
v Variety Indonesian based worldview speakers
Based on the speaker's perspective, various Indonesian consists of several styles among them is
· Variety dialect
Example: 'I've read the book.'
· Variety learned
Example: 'I've read the book.'
· Variety official
Example: 'I've read the book.'
· Variety unofficial
Example: 'I've read the book.'
v Variety Indonesian by topic
Based on the subject, language diversity consists of several varieties among them are:
· Variety scientific language
· Variety of law
· Variety of business
· Variety of religion
· Variety of social
· Variety medicine
· Variety literature
· He was convicted of a criminal act. (Wide law)
· Any purchase above a certain value will be given a discount. (Variety of business)
· The story uses elements of flashback. (Wide literature)
· The child was suffering from kuorsior. (Variance medicine)
· People with autism need intensive guidance. (Variance psychology)
The standard variety can be: the standard variety and write standard language variety spoken.
Some of the factors that led to the diversity of languages, including:
· Cultural Factors or Geographical location
· Factor Science
· Factors History

Laras Language
When used as a communication tool, language included in various tunings according to function use. Thus, the barrel of the language is the compatibility between the language and its use. Laras language can be classified to two major categories, namely barrel ordinary and special tunings.
Unusual tunings are tunings that are used to the general public seeprti fields of entertainment, knowledge, peneranagn, and intimation. Laras specific reference to the use of specialized audiences as experts or enthusiasts in a particular field, and students (plans, reports, books). The main differentiator that distinguishes between regular tunings with which particular tunings are: vocabulary, grammar, and style.
· Ordinary Language barrel, the barrel is the barrel usual specially used for the general public seeprti fields of entertainment, knowledge, peneranagn, and intimation. The sentence is simple, concise, and dense. Example: Do not step on the grass.
· Barrel Special Language
· Language Laras Perniagaan
The goal fatherly influence or form a particular response, or change attitudes and take action. Used in advertising, tender, reports and so on, supported by drawings, paintings, graphics, illustrations and so on.
· Academic Laras
Covering various fields such as science, technology, communication, mathematics and so on which is situated within the scope pendidikan.Dalam scientific writing, eg writing of a thesis, the author needs to follow a specific format as there needs to be a record bibiliografi (reference), footnote below the advance letter or memorandum hujungan at the end of each bab.Menggunaka terms specific to the field, and usually need to be memorized. An example is photosynthesis, prod, climb into the sky, pendebungaan and so forth.
· Barrel Language Media
News as discourse has its own structure of the text, other than the structure of fiction text, and others also of the text structure essays and scientific papers. Journalist or newspaper writer uses language to explain things in a way that is most easily accepted in accordance with the tastes of a number of newspaper readers. Three important features that must be present in a good newspaper story, first, in a language easily. second, clear writing style and ketuiga, body text must be accurate. Because the newspaper published for the community, then the language of the paper must be in accordance with the language people use. Long sentences, contains several clauses, using quotations, metaphors, allusions, technical terms, and so should be avoided.
· Barrel SATRA Languages
Shows the style that is attractive and creative. Its language can be in the form of a narrative, descriptive, prescriptive, dramatic and poetic. Several features of literary language, among others:
§ Creative and imaginative: connote
§ Concerned preparation, repetition, the choice of words
§ Poetic and lively: monologue, dialogue, and so on.
§ Using implicit language: symbolism, allusion, a comparison, proverbs, metaphors, similes, illusion, ambpersonifikasiiguitas and so forth.
§ There are irregularities of grammar or language manipulation.
· Barrel Language Religion
Contains a religious term of Arabic. The structure of the verse greatly influenced the structure of the Arabic language. Interleaved with quotations from the Koran and Hadith.

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