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Posts 3 Introduction to Telematics - Telematics Middleware

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Middleware Telematika

A.           Definisi Middleware
Middleware is defined as an application that logic is between the application layer (application layer) and the data layer of a layer-layer architecture of TCP / IP. Middleware can also be called a protocol. Communication protocol middleware supports high current communications services. Middleware is a software suite which contains a set of services that allow multiple processes can run on one or more machines to interact with each other on a network.
Middleware is needed to migrate from mainframe applications to a client or server application and also to provide communication between different platforms. In the world of information technology, terminology middleware is a common term in the computer programming used to unite, as a link, or to improve the functioning of the two programs or existing applications. The software is a software middleware that lies between application programs and services that exist in the operating system.
The function of middleware is:
· Provides a simple application programming environment that hides in detail the use of services that exist in the operating system.
· Provide a common application programming environment that includes a variety of computer and operating system.
· Filling deficiencies contained between the operating system with applications, such as in the case of: networking, security, database, user interface, and system administration.

B. General Purpose of Middleware Telematics
· Middleware is a software suite which contains a set of services that allow multiple processes can run on one or more machines to interact with each other on a network.
· Middleware is needed to migrate from mainframe applications to a client or server application and also to provide communication between different platforms.
· Middleware The most widely publicized:
- Open Software Foundation's Distributed Computing Environment (DCE).
- Object Management Group's Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Microsoft's COM / DCOM (Component Object Model).

C. On Middleware Computing Environments
An environment in which the computer system used. Computing environment can be grouped into four types:
· Traditional Computing,
· Network-based computing,
· Embedded Computing,
· Grid computing.
At first it only covers the use of traditional computing desktop computer (desktop) for personal use in the office or at home. However, along with the development of technology, the traditional computing now includes the use of network technology were applied ranging from the desktop to the handheld system. Changes that are so drastic this makes the boundary between traditional computing and network-based computing is no longer clear.
Computing environment itself can be classified based on how the data and associated program instruction consisting of the following four categories:
· Single-instruction stream single data stream (SISD), there is one processor and is also called a sequential computer, for example a computer model of van Neumann.
· Single-instruction stream multiple data stream (SIMD), there are a number of processors and the data flow, but has only one instruction / program. Each processor has a local memory and duplicating the same program so that each processor will execute instructions / programs are the same, but on different data and processors work synchronously so that support parallelization of the computing process data.
· Multiple-instruction stream single data stream (MISD), there are a number of processors,control unit and the instruction stream but have only one data stream. Existing data in the common memoryakan manipulated simultaneously by all processors, the result would be an obstacle if the number of processors melakukanupdate of data while old data is still needed by some other processor. Until now there has been no implementation of computer machines that meet this category.
· Multiple-instruction stream multiple data stream (MIMD), there are a number of processors, the flow of instructions and data flow. Each processor has a control unit, a local memory and a shared memory (shared memory) that supports the parallelization of the data and instructions. The processor can work in accordance with the instructions of the different programs and on different data. Processors can also work asynchronously.

D. The need for Middleware
Middleware is software designed to support the development of distributed systems by allowing applications previously isolated to interconnected. With the help of middleware, the same data can be used by customer service, accounting, development, and management as needed. Middleware can also serve as a translator of information so that each application gets the data format they process.
Middleware is available for various platforms, with different types. This type of middleware commonly developed today can be grouped into five broad categories, one of which is homegrown, developed specifically for the internal needs of the organization, the model RPC / ORB (Remote Procedure Call / Object Request Broker), Pub / Sub (Publication / Subscription) message Queuing, and TP (Transaction Processing) Monitor.
In Linux, many large companies such as IBM, BEA, and Schlumberger which is and has been working on a variety of middleware systems. One of IBM's middleware products for the Linux platform is BlueDrekar ™. BlueDrekar ™ ​​is based middleware specification for Bluetooth ™ to connect wireless devices in home and office environments. This middleware products provides a protocol stack and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that needed network-based applications. Expected their BlueDrekar ™ ​​on Linux this will accelerate the growth of applications and devices based on Bluetooth ™.
Another example, BEA Tuxedo ™ from BEA Systems, a middleware transaction processing monitor that also support the model ORB, is available for various platforms, including Red Hat Linux. BEA Tuxedo enables the combination of application development model with CORBA and ATMI (Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface). An application made to Tuxedo can run on any platform that is supported by BEA without the need for modification in the application code.
In the field of magnetic cards (smart cards), Schlumberger is one of the developers and manufacturers of CAC (Common Access Card) and its CAC middleware. This middleware product called CACTUS (Common Access Card Trusted User Suite), can run on Linux. gives the ability to connect at the application level to a magnetic card and cryptographic functions.
Shaolin Aptus is a middleware for Linux, which converts the PC into a network of computer network architecture that is 'fit client'. Products that won the 'IT Excellence Awards 2002' in Hong Kong, developed the concept of 'thinclient' by allowing client-based computing. Shaolin Aptus makes many clients can use the operating system and applications stored on the server via a LAN transparently.
Nowadays, almost all distributed applications built using middleware. According to IDC, the biggest development of the middleware segment will occur in the tools that help the business management system. This happened to meet the demand for better application integration. Linux, supported by a variety of middleware products, providing a choice of operating systems and middleware stable, at competitive rates.

E. Examples Middleware
1. ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a Windows-based middleware that is used to interact with a variety of databases.

2.      JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) allows applets to access the database used in the Java programming language.

3. J2EE Application Server an open source-based middleware that is used to access the database server on a website that uses the java language.

4. Oracle Application Server is a software middleware that is used to access and process a database built using Oracle software.

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