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Guys mau sedikit ngeshare ni, siapa tau ada yang butuh :)
Waktu kelas 12 di suru buat CV sama surat Pemesanan tapi dalam bahasa inggris :)

Ini gambaran CV-nya :)

Di bawah ini contoh surat pemesanan / reservation :)

Dear sir/madam
Hotel manager

My name is khanty dwi I and I would like to reserve accommodation for single room in your hotel, for two night and for two guests
I went from Jakarta at 09.00 am and arrived at your hotel around 17.00 pm. I need an air conditioner room, internet network, small kitchen bath with shower, which faces the sea
Thanks for your assistance and please get to confirmation about this letter

Your faithfully

Khanty Dwi i

Dear sir/madam
Hotel restaurant

I’m fadhlir, I would like to reserve a table in your restaurant for dinner with my friends on February 12 2011. I need a table for 8 people. We arrival around at 19.00 pm in your restaurant. I need your typical food and drink from restaurant , and eight cups warm milk
Thanks for your assistance and please get to confirmation about this letter

Your faithfully

Fadhlir Rahman

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