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Art and Culture of West Sumatra (Padang)

Art and Culture of West Sumatra (Padang)

West Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra and thousands of boxed Padang. This area is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean and has a term synonymous with the city Minangkabau, and has a variety of unique arts and culture of this region. This time I will try to explain and meyebutkan several arts and culture in the city of Padang in West Sumatra

Arts and Cultural of Riau
Many art and culture possessed by this area which makes Indonesia has arts and culture bermaca sorts anyway. Here are some of the culture and arts in West Sumatra such as:
Custom home
House Tower is a custom home that came from West Sumatra, originating from the Minangkabau people. The traditional house is usually built on land owned by parent families in the tribe / clan are hereditary. House Tower shape is rectangular and is divided into two parts, namely front and rear, the Tower House made of wood, and if being in a quick look almost like a house on stilts. One of the peculiarities of this traditional house in the manufacturing process is not using iron nails but only using pegs made of wood

Traditional clothes
Sumtra West has traditional clothes of this region, West Sumatra Indigenous Traditional Clothing utuk woman was called by Baju Kurung for Indigenous Traditional Clothing West Sumatra in men is called Custom Clothing Penghulu.

Traditional weapon
Traditional Weapons from this area named Karis, shaped like a dagger, usually worn by men and placed at the front, at present only used for the groom as a complement to traditional men's clothing. Shaped like a dagger but not grooved

Traditional dace
Padang has a wide range of dance as dance tardisional plate, umbrella dance and much more. Dance Dance dish is accompanied by songs played with talempong and saluang, where the movement is done quickly while holding a plate in the palm of their hand. Sometimes the plates they threw into the air or they slammed him to the ground and trampled by the dancers with bare feet

Traditional musical instruments
Nuance Minangkabau is in every musical West Sumatra when mixed with any type of music this time will definitely be visible and palpable in every track works circulating society, because Minang music can be formulated with the flow of music of any kind so pleasant to hear and be accepted by community. Some of the tools of traditional musk Padang
This music instrument including a wind instrument made of thin bamboo or gutters

This music tool has 7 holes and can play songs both traditional and modern because it has a standard tone

The shape is almost the same as the gamelan of Java. Talempong can be made of brass, but some are made of wood and stone. Talempong usually used to accompany dance typical piringyang, pasambahan dance, dance wave, etc. Talempong also used to welcome special guests

Rabab is an art in Minangkabau played by swiping like a violin.

Traditional celebrations
Community of padang have the celebration of opposing the celebration of indigenous other areas, for example in the wedding ceremony the people of Padang, before the wedding is a ceremony Meresek which means that the first meeting between families where the woman who came to the man and to woo the men carrying luggage proposal prepared

Typical food
West Sumatra (Padang) is famous cuisines have a peppery taste dishes created because many contain spices. Some of the famous cuisine of this area that is rending flesh and green chili which was felt very spicy. Quite often people of this area usually opens a Padang restaurant with a menu that is typical of this area

Already described several arts and culture in West Sumatra. There are many more arts and culture in the area. To find other arts and culture of the region can be searched via the Internet. By knowing the arts in this area be her a lesson my morning and for the youth successor to other nations, in order to know that Indonesia has a lot of art and culture from the region and the province is in it and still love the arts and culture in Indonesia , Maintain and preserve the culture in Indonesia in order not extinct. As an educated young people and we must continue the ideals of the ancestors to maintain and preserve the culture and arts in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra from extinction and in the clamp by other States.

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Arts and Culture Of English

Arts and Culture Of English

Britain is a country located in the continent of Europe and thousands of boxed London. This country is one of the advanced countries in the world. The country is progressing well in the field of tourism, education and ekomoni. And the form of government of this country is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. Just like Indonesia, the UK also has arts and culture and the unique characteristic of the country.
Since the 19th century, English has become the first industrialized country in the world and become a leading country thanks to its economic and social prosperity. Even now, these countries have economic power and political influence in the world. This time I will try to make and explain some of the arts and culture in the State English

Antari Culture 
Masyarakat Inggris yang multikultural memilik kebiasaan mengantri untuk melakukan dan mendapatkan sesuatu. Masyarakat menganggap oarang yang tidak mau mengantri adalah orang yang egois dan tidak memperdulikan orang yang ada disekitarnya. Budaya antri ini sudah seperti nilai dan norma yan berlaku di masyarakat.

Straw Bear
Straw Bear adalah hari beruang jerami yang merupakan tradisi tertua yang biasa di lakukan pada tanggal 7 januari. Tradisi ini dipercaya untuk mengawali masa bertani dan berladang. Para peserta baik pria dewasa maupun remaja, menggunakan kostum jerami mulai dari kaki hingga kepala. Dan mereka berjalan mengetuk pintu rumah yang satu ke rumah lainnya sambil menari. Para penari akan memperoleh hadiah dari para pemilik rumah sebagai imbalannya. Baik berupa makanan, bir ataupun uang.

Budaya saat Makan
Paada saat makan posisi duduk harus tegak, saat makan tidak boleh bertanya dengan gembira atau terus menerus bicara dengan orang. Setiap orang tidak boleh meninggalkan sendok di atas mangkok sup atau di gelas kopi. Sendok harus ditinggalkan di atas piring nasinya dan untuk sendok teh harus diletakkan di atas tatakan gelas. Saat minum sup tidak boleh menimbulkan suara dan tidak boleh meminum sup sampai habis. Tidak boleh merokok saat masih duduk di tempat makan. Selesai makan para pria membantu wanita memundurkan kursinya supaya bisa berdiri.

Pearly Kings and Queen
Pearly Kings and Queen dikenal juga dengan Pearlies sebuah acara amal yang biasa diadakan oleh masyarakat kelas buruh dan pekerja. Dan sudah menjadi sebuah budaya masyarakat menengah Kota London. Para peserta Pearly Kings dan Queens memakai busana berkilauan yang berasal dari kancing mutiara (pearl) yang dibuat pada abad ke-19.

Budaya Bertamu
Saat bertamu di Inggris ada beberpa hal yang harus di perhatikan seperti :
Kapan harus tiba di tempat undangan. Jika bukan menyangkut urusan formal, datang lebih awal. Pengundang masih sedang melakukan persiapan dan kamu tiba lebih duu akan membuatnya keki. Paling pas untuk urusan tidak formal adalah telat 10 menit. Jika telat sampai 30 menit harus mita maaf. Itu menunjukkan tanda sopan saat bertamu
Kapan harus meninggalkan tempat acara. Untuk ini tidak ada aturan khusus, tapi berlama-lama di tempat orang adalah hal yang tidak sopan. Lebih bagus meninggalkan tempat 1 jam setelah jamuan makan. Selain itu di hari kedua setelah acara harus mengirimkan pesan terimakasih dengan disertakan hadiah kecil seperti bunga atau coklat.

Worm Chramping
Worm Chramping adalah salah satu tradisi unik yang ada di Inggris, tradisi ini adalah tradisi menangkap cacing tanah. Setiap peserta hanya memiliki wilayah perburuan seluas 3 x 3 m2 saja. Diperbolehkan memainkan musik apa saja untuk memikat atau memancing cacing agar keluar dari tanah, tapi tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan obat-obatan termasuk air.

Sudah di jelaskan beberapa kesenian dan kebudayaan yang ada di Inggris. Masih banyak lagi kesenian dan kebudayaan yang dimiliki oleh negara ini. Dengan mengetahui kesenian dan kebudayaan negara lain membuat kita tahu tentang ilmu baru dan mengetahui apa perbedaan budaya luar dengan budaya yang dimilik negara kita yaitu Indonesia. Dan kita bisa meniru budaya mengantri dari masyarakat Inggris yang sangat menjunjung nilai dan norma mengantri. Namun budaya Indonesia tidak kalah dengan budaya yang ada di luar negri, dan sebagai mahasiswa penerus bangsa, kita boleh mempelajari kebudayaan yang ada di negara lain namun tetap tidak melupakan budaya yang ada di negara sendiri yaitu Indonesia dan tetap mencintai budaya dalam negri.

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Arts and Culture of Papua

Arts and Culture of Papua

Indonesia is an archipelagic nation wide which consists of many islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke and many regions of each island, with a population of the 4th largest in the world that has a diversity of cultures that differ from each other Because of the many islands in Indonesia cause arts and culture of each island and the area is different from one another. All that was not a difference that would eventually become a conflict among fellow Indonesian citizens. As our state motto is' unity in diversity, which means different but still one nevertheless.
Papua is a province located in the most eastern Indonesia. This province is a province that is still thick and rich in arts and culture in the province, the province has various tribes such as the mendiamin Asmat province, with a society that upholds the arts and culture in their areas. Arts and culture in this area is very interesting, and unique. As a citizen of Indonesia, we should be proud of the arts and culture of diverse contained in the State of Indonesia, our beloved country. And this time I will try to make arikel about some art and culture in Papua.

Arts and Culture Papua:
            Papua has a lot of arts and culture in it, art and culture is unique and interesting. Here are some of the arts and culture in Papua:
There are hundreds of regional languages ​​that developed in ethnic groups in Papua. Various Various languages ​​makes it difficult to communicate between ethnic groups with other ethnic groups. Therefore, the Indonesian official use by communities in Papua and even up to the interior. But there are people who do not understand Indonesian because of the lack of education in Papua

Traditional clothing
Papua custom clothing for men and women are similar. Wore traditional clothing ornaments such as headdresses be in the form of birds of paradise, bracelets, necklaces, and belts of beads and fringe at the ankle. But there are also tribal communities of Papua are only used in the sheath wrapped her body

Custom home
Papua custom home has a name Honai house, where materials are primarily used to make the house Honai is of wood with and conical roof made of straw or reeds. Honai traditional house has a small door and no windows. Generally Honai house consists of two floors that consists of the first floor to the bed while the second floor is used as a place to relax, eat, and to do handicrafts.

Tradisional dance
Papua has a variety of dances that are unique and interesting, such as dance congratulations dating which is a typical dance of Papua describe the excitement in the hearts of the people menyabut distinguished guests who come to their territory. This dance has an interesting movement, dynamic and dilakuakan with spirit

Traditional weapon
Papua has a traditional weapon used to fight the enemy. As Papua dagger made of leg bones cassowary and bird's feathers that adorn the outskirts of the dagger. But there are other weapons are usually used bows and arrows and spears were used for hunting

Typical food
The food is typical of Papua namely sago made pulp, known by the name of papeda. Papuans usually eat together papeda yellow sauce, made from tuna or fish in season mubara and turmeric and lime.

Musical instruments
Papua has a lot of traditional musical instruments one of which is the drums. Tifa is one of the percussion instruments that looks almost like a drum. Tifa musical instrument made of wood which, in the central part of the timber is made large holes are cleaned. Then the tip of one of the timber is covered with reindeer skins using dried which serves to Tifa musical instrument can produce a beautiful sound and nice

Papuans are usually made handicrafts made from materials available in nature. As craft bag named Nokens. This craft is made from the bark in the wicker, and colors are primarily used natural dyes derived from plant roots and fruits. Noken is usually used and under with the hooking noken overhead.

Belief system
Most of the Papuan people still have confidence in totemism, as a form of trust which looked at human origins come from the gods of the ancestors, and there are still tribes were closed or did not want to relate to the outside world. However, some of the Papuan people own and religion official from Indonesia

Already described some of the arts and culture in Indonesia and many more arts and culture in the area. Papua is rich and strong culture will have a wide variety of arts and culture all it can search easily through Internet technology, more and more advanced. The differences that exist between the various regions in Indonesia to make Indonesia as a country that is rich in culture. And as the color of good country we should be proud of the wealth owned by Indonesia. Our duty as the future generation that is learning to know art and culture in this country. And to keep and preserve the arts and culture in this country that is not extinct and disappear because they are eaten by age or because of claims by other States. Love art and culture in Indonesia for the next generation.

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My Patience

My patience

Like a heart that was torn .......
And refused to let go of her spine
Although he knew it was very painful thorn
But he knows it is able to strengthen
It was always thought about all errors
Before the crash, he had felt hurt
But again, he refused to turn
He knew that he was weak
But he tried to fight
Although he knew there was water flowing from his eyes
But he persisted
And though he knew his heart was so cracked
But he tried to return 
He will not give up and continue to be patient
Mother god.You ... ..
It is me
Pain, Pain, Heart is me
And I will try to survive the wait
Waiting patiently on a dangling bond
Yes ... .. A bond that is not yet clear
A conviction say ...
He gave me the gift of God
He is in my heart ......

Oleh : KhantyDwiI

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Art and Culture of West Kalimantan

Art and Culture of West Kalimantan

West Kalimantan province of Indonesia, located on the island of Borneo and its capital Pontianak. This area is directly adjacent to Sarawak parts of neighboring countries, namely Malaysia. West Kalimantan province called suangai thousand, because the province has a lot of sungan small and large suangai used as the main line to enter inland transport. Indonesia is rich in a wide variety of races and cultures, especially in the province of West Kalimantan.
Just like other areas in Indonesia, West Kalimantan also have arts and culture possessed by this area. And this time I will try to make an article about some of the arts and culture in West Kalimantan or Pontianak.

Art and Culture of West Kalimantan (Pontianak)
West Kalimantan has many arts and cultural diverse, and here are some of arts and culture that comes from the area:
Indonesian is the language commonly used by people in West Kalimantan. Additionally languages ​​namely Malay connecting Pontianak, Sambas and Bahasa Melayu Senganan distribution by region

Custom home
West Kalimantan has a traditional house called home betang. Betang shape and big houses vary in different places. No home betang length of 150 meters and width of 30 meters. Generally betang house built on stilts with a height of three to five meters from the ground. The high betang houses to avoid flood in the rainy season

Traditional clothes
Custom clothing for West Kalimantan named King Baba for men and King Bibige for women. The clothes made of bark that is processed to become soft as cloth. The bark can be used as a fabric for making aprons, pants, shirts, blankets clan was called Capua or ampuro.

Traditional weapon
Traditional weapons from West Kalimantan named Saber. Saber Sword kind that is unique, with the carving and distinctness. Its head is made from deer antlers carved, while iron materials Ahpang (Saber) made of iron mined itself and consists of two types, namely Bahtuk Nyan famous hard and sharp that flies perch can drop out but are easily broken and the People Motihke famous bending , toxic and does not rust.

Traditional dance
West Kalimantan has several traditional dance such as:
dance Monong
This dance is a healing dance and dance serves as a repellent or medicine or antidote to the disease so that the patient can recover dancers act like a shaman with incantations. This dance is present while the shaman is in a state of trance or unconscious.

Dance oil Uut Danum
Uut Danum oil, is perangyang dance show agility in the face of enemy dankewaspadaan

Traditional musical instruments
West Kalimantan has a lot of musical instruments typical of the area, some of them:
Sapek a traditional string instrument of Kapuas upstream among the Dayak Kapuas upstream Kayaan Mendalam

Gong or Agukng, Kollatung (Uut Danum) is a percussion instrument made of brass, is a multifunctional instrument both as dowry, as a symbol of the spirit stand in marriage. as well as a payment of the customary law.

Robo-robo tradition
Robo-robo tradition is held the last Wednesday of Sapar month (Hijri) that symbolize blessing. According to the story, this rite is a warning or trail Mas Surya Negara arrival of the Prince of the Kingdom of Matan (Martapura) to the Kingdom Mempawah (Pontianak). Robo-robo itself was intended as a warning Haulan series of important events began on Monday evening last Tuesday of the month Syafar to commemorate the death of Opu Daeng Manambun

Communities in West Kalimantan have expertise in producing a craft which is typical of the area, and some people of Borneo eyed percaharian as handicraft makers. And crafts commonly made, namely
The mats are made of rattan mats

Then the form of woven crafts made from bamboo that produce bags or baskets

Already described some of the arts and culture in West Kalimantan. There are still a lot of arts and culture in the area. To find other arts and culture can we find by browsing the internet. By knowing the arts and culture in Indonesia is able to cause a sense of love and are proud of our country, because the diversity in this country were amazed. And the thought of our state motto is "Unity in Diversity" which has different meanings but still one nevertheless. This means that although the arts and culture in Indonesia is different in each region Indeonesia unite all citizens and does not cause all of it becomes a conflict. And as a successor to the nation a good student would be helpful to maintain and preserve the arts and culture that has existed since time immemorial that arts and culture are not extinct in the meal by the era that increasingly advanced.

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Arts and Culture Of Bali

Arts and Culture Of Bali

Bali is one island in Indonesia with its capital Denpasar. Bali is an island which is called paradise island. And is one of the tourist paradise islands who have traveled a good appeal for foreign tourists and local tourists because the area has a beauty that is very attractive for tourists. Island community is mostly Hindu. Not only the beauty of the area who attract travelers bring but also the diversity of arts and culture in Bali are appealing for further recognition by the tourists.
Bali is always giving his charm and feature arts and cultural diversity. This time I will try to explain some of the arts and culture in Bali

culture Bali
Art and culture in Bali Bali possessed made a strong appeal for tourists who come to the area. Several art and culture in Bali.
Traditional Balinese dress
Bali has a lot of tiger or a variant of native dress. For women who are still teenagers using bun gonjer, while the woman or adult woman using a bun Tagel, then use sesentang or strapless songket, Cain wastra, Belt prada (stagen) for twisted hips and chest, Shawl songket shoulders down, Cain tapih or Sinjang, on the inside, variety of jewelry ornaments, often kebaya worn, the cloth covering the chest, and footwear as a complement. For men using a headband or udeg then use binder or umpal scarf, shawl cloth, fabric wastra, a dagger, belt, shirt or jacket, as well as ornaments used to decorate the appearance of the man
Bali customs house
Bali customs house should be in accordance with the rules of Asta Kosala Kosali contained in the teachings of the Vedic scriptures which regulates the layout of a building that is almost similar to Feng Shui in the teaching of Chinese Culture. Bali customs house must meet pawongan aspect (human / residents), attenuation (location / environment) and that the last parahyangan.
In general, Bali house filled with knick-knacks ornaments, engravings as well as natural colors and sculptures ritual symbol. Bali Traditional house building separately widened a lot of small buildings - small in one area united by a fence that surrounds it. Along the development era began to change in the building where the building is no longer separated.
Bali Dance
Bali has various types of dances that come from this area are:
Pendet dance
Pendet is danced as a welcome dance to welcome the guests and invitees by laying flowers and expressions of the dancers filled with a sweet smile. At the beginning of this dance is used in the event of worship in temples as a form of greeting to the gods descend to earth.

Dance Panji
This dance is played by women. Dance Panji is a dance depicting a princess named She is Candrakirana, disguised as a man after her husband's disappearance. In his travels he changed his name to Raden Panji.

Cendong Dance
This dance is a dance that is quite difficult to play and this dance has a long duration. This dance is the classic Darian Bali which has a movement so complex and describes a servant king

Kecak Dance
This dance is a very famous dance from Bali area. This dance is played by dozens of men who sit bari circular. This dance depicting the Ramayana when Rama line of apes help fight Ravana. Kecak dance songs taken from the ritual dances namely the dancers dance traditions will be in unconscious condition, to communicate with God or spirits of the ancestors and then convey his wishes to the people.
Regional Musical Instruments
Bali has a traditional musical instrument typical of this area, this instrument is a musical instrument hereditary legacy of their ancestors, and following some traditional musical instruments of Bali:
Balinese gamelan
Just like other regions in Indonesia which has a musical instrument gamelan, Bali also has a gamelan musical instruments. However, this Balinese gamelan has differences with other areas one of which is being played at the rhythm of Balinese gamelan manifold rapid rhythm.

Rindik a Balinese musical instrument made of bamboo pitched selendro. This instrument is played by 2 to 4 people, 2 people are beating the rest rindik flute. This instrument is used for the roof jogged dance performances and for weddings.
Indigenous Culture Bali
Balinese society is composed of many different people who are Hindu, but it does not affect the other people who live in Bali but not Hindu. Here are some of the ceremony usually done by people Bali:
For weddings there are several ceremonies that must be overcome include:

Ngekeb Ceremony: This event aims to prepare the bride of adolescent life being a wife and a housewife asked for prayers for the blessing of Almighty God so willing to reduce happiness to the couple and they will be given the gift of a good offspring
Mungkah Lawang (Open Door): This custom is customary bride's knocking on the door three times, as a form that the groom had come to pick up the bride and appealed for urgent opened door
Madengen with: The ceremony is intended to cleanse or purify the bride and groom themselves from negative energy in both. The ceremony was led by an indigenous stakeholders or Balian
Mewidhi Widana: This event is a custom wedding ceremony bali refinement to improve the self-cleaning bride who had done on a previous occasion. Then both towards merajan is a place of worship to pray for permission and the blessing of the Almighty.
Mejauman Ngabe Tipat Pillow: After a few days to get married, the ceremony was held recently. This event is made to beg leave of the parents and relatives of the bride, especially to the ancestors, that from that moment the bride has legally become part of the big family of her husband
Cut teeth ceremony
This tooth filing ceremony must be performed by men and women who grew up in the mark menstruation for women and the growing voice for men. Cut your teeth does not mean the teeth are cut completely, but just smoothed or filing six teeth in the upper jaw, the four incisors and two canines left and right that are believed to eliminate the six vices inherent in a person, namely kama (lust), greedy (greedy), krodha (anger), mada (drunk), moha (confused), and matsarya (envy or malice).

The people of Bali have always held the ceremony of death when someone or relatives who died. The funeral ceremony known as the cremation ceremony. This ceremony is burning ceremony for a deceased person. In essence this ceremony to restore the ancestral spirits (the dead person) to its original place. A man has Pedanda said Bayu, Word, eyelash, and after the death Bayu, Word, eyelash was restored to Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva as the god who is trusted by the community or society, especially Hindus Hindu Bali

Typical handicrafts of Bali
Bali has the handicrafts made by the crafts that there began to craft making woven bags, carving Bali form of a display or on the door, handicrafts made of silver or glass, wooden masks from Bali, knickknacks accessories Bali and many more.

Described above have some art and culture in Bali. Actually still find plenty of arts and culture in this area. To find out more complete, it can find a way in Internet media is rife everywhere. Bali has named island of the gods, and Bali was an island that is visited by many foreign tourists because of its beauty. As students and good citizens we are obliged to protect and conserve the existing art in Indonesia, especially arts in Bali to avoid extinction eaten by age and by the progress of modern life. Since the number of foreigners who come to this island is expected culture area of origin is not mixed by modern foreign culture, because culture is a culture of Bali ancestors must be guarded and treated to avoid extinction.

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